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What we’re about

Although we try to keep our group membership numbers low so that we can really get to know each other, we welcome new member applications for women over the age of 50. Establishing a small community of long-lasting female friendships is our primary focus. A general theme throughout all of our events is women supporting women. If you are an active, positive thinking, upbeat woman who is open-minded, courteous, warm and friendly, this would be a good group for you.

A clear self-photograph is required for each member. You do not have to be a Menlo Park resident to join this group, but our events often take place around the Menlo Park area.

We try to take a holistic approach to our events with an emphasis on the enrichment of mind, body, and spirit. Our events include a diverse range of interesting and fun activities such as dining at local restaurants, reading/discussing books, museums, arts and crafts projects, trivia games, new and classic movies, nature walks, day trips, and various educational and cultural experiences. We also sometimes meet for afternoon tea or a nice chat over a cup of coffee.

Events usually take place in the mid-peninsula area, but we often visit San Francisco and other Bay Area locations. In addition to our very popular Dining Around the World restaurant events, we have a Discovering California series (short trips around California) and a Discovering San Francisco series (day trips exploring interesting places and activities in and around San Francisco).

© 2022-2025 Menlo Park Area Women Better Than 50 – all rights reserved including content, descriptions, rules, ideas, photos, and statements.

We prefer to keep the management of our group low key and easygoing, but we also want to be clear and transparent about our expectations.

Members are asked to read and agree to the following before joining our group and also follow these guidelines while interacting within our group:


  • Membership in this Meet-Up group is at the complete discretion of the Organizer.
  • We do not allow membership in this group for people who are organizers/co-organizers/event hosts/leaders for other Meet Up groups.

1.  Non-Participation/Inactive Members

  • In order to keep our membership list manageable and small enough for our members to get to know each other I try to keep the membership list down to 55 or so members who participate on a regular basis.
  • I periodically drop members who do not participate.
  • Non-participation could mean at least the following:
  • ---Signing up for events then dropping out before the event date
  • ---Not attending an event since joining this group
  • ---Not attending an event in two months or more
  • Please note that signing up for an event and then withdrawing before the event date does not count as participation.

2.   Wait Lists

  • Our Attendee lists usually tend to fill to capacity quickly.
  • Many of our event slots are taken even before an official announcement goes out to all members.
  • Therefore, checking our Meet Up site on a regular basis for new events is the best way to get on the Attendee List without first going through a Wait List.
  • If you see an event that you would like to attend but there is a Wait List - please sign up anyway. Our Wait Lists usually move quickly.
  • If your name is on a Wait List check your Meet Up messages frequently, especially as the event date nears. There is a good chance that you will be notified that your name has been moved to the Attendee List.
  • If your name is moved from the Wait list to the Attendee List and you do not show up for that event, you will be counted as a No Show for that event.
  • If your name is on the Wait List and you no longer can go or want to go be sure to move your name to the Not Going list.

Late Arrivals, Late Cancellations, and especially No Shows for events are not fair to the organizers, restaurants/other venues, and most importantly our Meet Up friends.

3.  Late Arrivals - Punctuality

  • If you are more than 10 minutes late for an event, and you are signed up for a future event, the Organizer will move your name to the end of the Wait List for that next event.
  • Walking events start exactly at the time listed on the invitation.

4.  Late Cancellations

  • If you cancel your RSVP late (with less than 72 hours before the event day/time) and you sign up for a future event - the Organizer is going to move your name to the end of the Wait List for that next event.
  • If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice your name will be marked as a No Show.
  • More than one Late Cancellation will likely result in removal from this Meet Up group.

5.  No-Shows

  • If you are a No Show for an event - no matter which event - you will very likely be dropped from this Meet Up group immediately following the event.
  • A No-Show is when a member fails to show up for an event when her name is listed on the "Attendee" list for that event.
  • A No-Show also occurs when a member who is on the "Attendee" list for an event cancels her RSVP with less than 24 hours' notice.

6.   Cell Phone/Electronic Device Etiquette - Zero Tolerance Usage During Events

  • We would like you to be fully present, attentive, interactive, and polite to your Meet Up friends during our events.
  • We ask that you please put your cell phone away (off the table and out of sight) during our events.
  • Looking at other electronic devices (such as watches etc.) can be equally distracting and counterproductive to our goals.
  • “Having a phone out and present during a conversation interferes with your sense of connection to the other person and the quality of the conversation.”
  • Looking at your cell phone/electronic device (checking texts, typing, searching the web, viewing/showing others your phone/taking photos, making or taking phone calls, etc.) while people are trying to talk can be distracting, disrespectful, and rude.
  • Stepping away from the group to check your phone/electronic device is perfectly fine as long as your phone/device is put away (off the table and out of sight) when you return to the group.
  • Members who cannot or will not put their phones/devices away during an event may be dropped from this Meet Up group immediately following the event.

7.  Restaurants - Dining Experiences - Payment

  • Please plan to pay cash whenever you attend a restaurant event.
  • There almost always will be one check for the table (instead of your own separate check).
  • You will keep track of the cost for each of the items you order.
  • The percent to be paid for the tip will vary by restaurant.
  • Always count on at least 20% - sometimes restaurants may ask as much as 24% or more for group reservations so please be prepared.
  • Many restaurants now also add on additional charges for various reasons.
  • Restaurants also charge tax.
  • You will figure what you owe then add Tip then add Tax then add whatever other charges the restaurant may require.
  • If you are rude to or difficult with restaurant staff - you will be dropped from this Meet Up group.
  • If you try to go around the Meet Up Event Host and talk to restaurant staff directly about why you can't have your own individual check, why you can't pay by credit card, or any other grievance you may have - instead of going through your Meet Up Event Host - you will be dropped from this Meet Up group.

The Organizer and/or Co-Organizer and/or event host(s) are not responsible for members. Each member assumes full responsibility for their own health, safety, wellbeing, and risks at all times for any event no matter the event.