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What we’re about


• This group is for women over 40 who enjoy getting outdoors for soft adventures and travel while enjoying fresh air. Activities include but are not limited to hiking, biking, kayaking, walking, boating, and nature photography. All skill levels are welcome.  Our members range in age from the 40's to 80's! Our goal is to awaken or revisit the spirit of adventure, challenge, and optimism that is deep within every woman who loves the outdoors and nature. If you want to explore new activities and destinations while making new friends, this women's only group may be for you!
Most activities are held on Saturday mornings and last a few hours although we have weekday and weeknight walks or hikes of an hour or so. We also enjoy two to three multi-day getaways to beautiful outdoor areas!

An occasional weekend get away is planned for our Warrior Women who have been a member for a minimum of three months, participated in at least three prior MOW group outings as well as a minimum of one local, day hike or event each of the two quarters prior to the overnight trip*.*

Our members understand that our adventures are participatory and that our activities are not "guided tours".  We don't "sit back and enjoy the ride", we "embrace the ride".  We are each responsible for our own well being and safety while sharing/contributing to the group experience. We know that LIFE IS SHORT and we just want to get outside and do something!

1) This is a "women's only" group and most activities and events are for female members only.  We  occasionally include friends, men, older children (over 16), ...and these special events will be clearly noted on the Meetup notice for that event.

2) As a member, you must post a recent recognizable photo of yourself as your main photo.  Compliance with this rule is required for membership in this group.

3) FEES: New members must make an initial $10  cash or check contribution (used primarily for the admin fees of  The contribution must be paid within 5 days of membership. For subsequent years, each member must make a $5 annual contribution which is due on or before July 15th. Sorry, we do not accept PayPal.

4) All members participate in all activities at their own risk and Michiana Outdoors Women over 40, our event organizers, and our members assume no responsibility for other members, guests, or belongings.

5) You MUST have your emergency contact information visible on the outside of your person for all meetups**.  This can be on a small card inside a Ziploc bag, wrist band, or ID tag.**

6) You must participate in at least one MOW meetup activity every 60 days to remain active. Those members who are not active can be removed from the group.

7) You must provide both your first name  and last name or initial on your profile... no first names only.

8) All group activity times are listed as Eastern Time regardless of where the event may be held.

9) Members MUST attend at least three (3) MOW events with the group PRIOR to participating in an overnight or weekend event and at least one local event during the month prior to joining an overnight event.  Members who have 3 or more "no shows" may be removed from the group.  Please update your RSVP if your plans change and you can't attend an event you signed up for.

10) Disclaimer and Liability Release:
Every member agrees to the following: By joining this group, I acknowledge that I have read the rules and that I acknowledge and confirm that I understand and am aware that there are risks involved with any activity. I shall hold Outdoors Women over 40 harmless for any injury or negative consequences of my voluntary inclusion in any and all group events.  I further acknowledge that I, and I alone, am responsible for my safety and welfare and that the Outdoors Women over 40 organizers and members are in no way responsible for the safety and well being of myself or my guests.