What we’re about
Seeking founding members!
Are you tired of therapists just telling you to develop healthy habits instead of getting to the root of your actual issues and improving your perspective? Tired of knowing few or no other people who actively wish to self reflect and put themselves in the shoes of others for the benifit of us all? I know I sure am! Hello there. My name is Jared.
I seek to build a group (community even?) of people who wish to do better, feel better. People who intend to not just read the entire book but also apply it to their lives. I feel it could even be benificial for us to even have group social outings, events outside of the meets for book discussion.
A few examples of books I've appreciated are How to Win Friends and Influence People,Dopamine Nation, Good Energy, Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents (currently reading myself), No Mr Nice Guy, Eat This and Live, The Depression Cure.
Not all self-help books are good. So I'd like to emphasize that when the group chooses books we ought to consider reviews of the book from regular folk and professionals alike. I feel that not every book we read needs to be about mental health or relations with others. Could be topics such as healthy eating or practical skills (like crochet or vehicle maintence lol) if the group did so choose. Perhaps founding members could nominate books for the group to vote on for the next read. Or perhaps any member with a certain amount of time in membership could nominate a book.
I'm open to ideas of how the group could be run. I do NOT wish to run it by myself or make all the decisions myself. However I do have my non-negotiables. I will have no part in a book club promoting politics or religion. To be clear that means no books focused solely on either of those topics. I'm kinda thinking we could do monthly meets where we discuss the book we've read that month. I feel that resturaunts or parks would be good meeting places. Rooms can also be reserved at libraries. I'm very open to suggestion.
Please shoot me a message if you have any interest in what I've described. Please also let me know if you would like to be part of group organization as a founding member or if you would rather just attend. Thank you!