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What we’re about

M&HWB, Int’l; A Critical Thinking workshop!

Here is where we get together to exchange ideas, learn, teach, socialize and enjoy our time spent conversing on life’s matters and humanistic approach to life and living!
where we engage in intellectual conversations, friendly debates and open minded discussions.
We are not afraid of reality; topics hard to touch, issues sensitive to address!
Where we satisfy the hunger of the brains and hearts! Lets form friendships without borders!
From North America to Europe , Asia, Australia,...! We join together online.
For more excitement Please spread the word and get your friends to join as well!
We will have a variety of events with creative topics scheduled to satisfy different tastes:
*Philosophy, the ancient game applied to our modern day,
*Science, *Spirituality and meditation, *Psychology, *literature and poetry, *Arts, Music and more.

This is a space to QUESTION & LEARN .
If your beliefs ( in every aspect) can not be questioned and criticized, this is not the right group for you!

Founder director, organizer and moderator;
: I am a seasoned moderator with background in literature, find arts, political science & education. Life long explorer of the human experience including but not limited to; philosophy, psychology, history, religion and ..!

*** All meetings would be on Zoom for the time being, with screen shots. When recording meetings you will be informed prior to doing so. All meetings would be moderated***
We will have some in person outings if/when time comes.
The rules ;
- Respect each other's opinion, rude or hostile behaviour will not be tolerated.
- Respect everyone's privacy and comfort level.
- listen to learn, speak to share but, make sure what you say adds value to the conversation
- be on time
- it’s only polite and mandatory to keep your camera on and have a working mic to engage with everyone in a safe transparent environment, if you have an issue with this please contact me through message board to discuss.
- participate at your own risk
- predatory, threatening or bullying behaviour will result in reporting, blocking and banning and possibly more!

I ( Fika) reserve the rights to admit or reject membership and/or participation requests and/or termination of one.
When meeting in person , only members are allowed to join.
I (Fika) reserve the right of ownership to all material under the group’s umbrella (“Minds&Hearts Without Borders,Int’l”)
\- legalities;
By becoming a member and joining events @ Minds&Hearts Without Borders, Int’l, I hereby grant Fika, “Minds&Hearts Without Borders, Int’l”, and it’s legal representatives and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish any and all Zoom recordings for YouTube, trade, advertising and any other commercial purpose and, to alter the same without any restriction. I hereby release Fika, Minds&Hearts Without Borders, Int’l and it’s legal representatives and assigns from all claims and liability related to said video/Audio/photo recordings.

By becoming a member of Minds&Hearts Without Borders, Int’l and registering to its in person and/or online events, you are agreeing to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Founder/owner (Fika) Host(s) and Organizer(s) of this Meetup Group from and against those claims, causes of action, liabilities, cost or expenses, including, legal fees, attributable to bodily injury, death, property damage or other claims which you may incur or which may be asserted against you at these events.

\Any recordings in/of the discussions in the group by any attendees is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will have serious legal consequences.


