What we’re about
1. Our Purpose is to empower every member to understand and define what successful living means to them, and to our community
Anyone who is serious about creating a better life for themselves and others
A short interactive talk will be facilitated, and then time for networking, Q&A and specific help with whatever "blocks" people are facing in their business and in their lives. Promoted on multiple platforms.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Zoom Friday Night Hangouts (With the Self-Perfected Community)Needs location
Many of the local Minnesota Success Mastermind Members attend the Friday Night Zoom Hangouts in the Self-Perfected Facebook Group
Self-Perfected is an international movement
for those who want to be the best version
of themselves. we meet on zoom weekly to hangout
and have local community in 30+ cities around the world!Join the group and jump on the hangout - be ready to have your mind blown. If you have any issue joining the group add Mitch on Facebook and he can get you the link
- Zoom Friday Night Hangouts (With the Self-Perfected Community)Needs location
Many of the local Minnesota Success Mastermind Members attend the Friday Night Zoom Hangouts in the Self-Perfected Facebook Group
Self-Perfected is an international movement
for those who want to be the best version
of themselves. we meet on zoom weekly to hangout
and have local community in 30+ cities around the world!Join the group and jump on the hangout - be ready to have your mind blown. If you have any issue joining the group add Mitch on Facebook and he can get you the link