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What we’re about

ABOUT OUR CLUB: An Introduction in 6 Parts

1 Does This Sound Like you?
You enjoy wine but have never really ventured out of your comfort zone. You spend around the same amount of money and buy pretty much the same type of wine every time you go to the store. You know what you like.... but you would love to find new wines that you'll enjoy just as much, if not more! You're not alone.
As an avid wine drinker myself I' m guilty as charged. My reason: I just don't know much about a wide range of wines. I also don't want to spend money on wine that I might not enjoy. I'm completely fine with spending $15-$30 per bottle or even higher for special occasions, but I would prefer to not be guessing when I spend it!
If any of this resonates with you, Morris County Wine Club is something I think you'll really enjoy like-minded people that enjoy wine and would love to venture outside of their comfort zone to learn and enjoy new types of wine.

2 When and Where We Meet
Unless scheduled otherwise the group will meet on the last Thursday of each month January through December at interesting BYOB restaurants in the Morris County area. During the months of November and December meetups will take place only if there is sufficient interest.

3 What to bring
Your entry fee to our club and to our meetups is simple. Purchase and bring with you a $15-25 bottle of wine that you normally wouldn't buy for yourself, but you're interested in trying and sharing with the group. All attendees to the meetup are also required to chip-in $1.00 so we can pay's fee for having this group on their website.

4 What to expect
We will be setting up stations for tasting the wines. At most events members will order their own food from the hosting establishment, which will be a BYOB restaurant. Menu variety and minimal order requirements, as well as payment options are at the discretion of the hosting establishment. As we choose different BYOB restaurants and cuisines from month to month this provides a wonderful opportunity to experiment with wine pairings. Meet people, taste new wines, enjoy yourself. That's it!!

5 Your RSVP Is Very Important!
Take your RSVPs seriously! We do!  When there is a wait list you are taking what could have been someone else's spot, and restaurants rely on having an accurate customer count. So out of courtesy please have your RSVP up to date within 24 hours of the meetup. Cancelling with less than 24 hours notice is counted as a No Show. Two of more No Shows and your membership may be cancelled.  If an event has a Wait List, members with previous No Shows will be bumped to the Wait List in favor of members who have always honored their RSVPs in the past. Attending an event without an RSVP per these guidelines is unacceptable and could subject you to immediate expulsion.

6 How to Join

  • 1 Read all of the sections above and below this line. These sections will later be referred to collectively as the "About" introduction.
  • 2 Provide a recognizable full-face photograph of yourself and only yourself. You may have to update your profile photo to do this. The photo must center at your head and shoulders. This centering will place your face in the center of our circular photo icons. No sunglasses, no masks, no face shields, no goggles, nor anything else obscuring your face. Beards and mustaches are acceptable only if you are currently wearing the beard and/or mustache shown in the photo. Photos where you are too far away to be recognized are also unacceptable. Think license and passport photo!
  • 3 Answer our Questions. After you join or login to Meetup and make a request to join this group (by clicking on the "Request to Join button"), there will be a pop-up dialogue box with five questions. You must answer "Yes" or "No" as appropriate to questions 2, 3, 4 and 5. A group like ours will only work if everyone is on the same page, follows the rules and treats their fellow members and restaurant staff with courtesy. Only those who provide a proper profile photo and can agree to our conditions and signify that agreement by answering "Yes" to questions 2, 3, 4, and 5 will have their request to join accepted. Also, take notice that each time you attend a meetup you are agreeing to hold the Morris County Wine Club's Hosts, and its Organizers harmless from all liability for injury to yourself caused by others, or injury to others alleged to have been caused by you. Hosts and Organizers refers to fellow club members who participated in the planning and/or functioning of the meetup event including its posting and announcing.