What we’re about
This is a group geared toward beginner to intermediate runners. We currently have 6 weekly runs - Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday mornings, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings. MVARC is friendly and inclusive, we welcome runners of all ages and abilities.
Saturday mornings we start promptly at 8:30am outside Starbucks (1380 Pear Ave. Mountain View). We then walk & do active stretching as we make our way to the Stevens Creek Trail (at La Avenida). Our run is usually 3.5 miles, although you are welcome to go farther or run less if you wish (and you can walk too!). Afterwards we hang out at Starbucks for about 25 min. to have coffee together.
Sunday runs also meet at Starbucks (1380 Pear Ave), but at 7:30am. Once a month, we do a trail run, check meetup for details. We usually run anywhere from 4-10 miles or more, depending on who shows up
Once a month, usually on the 4th Sunday, there is an easy 3 mile beginner run and book club, generally starting at 9AM in Pioneer Park (behind the Mountain View Library). Book Club starts at 10. You can do the run if you didn't read the book or come to book club if you don't run.
The Monday evening run meets @ 5:30pm @ Rancho San Antonio in Los Altos Hills. We usually run 45-60 minutes along the trails.
The Tuesday morning run meets @ 7am @ Rancho San Antonio in Los Altos Hills. We have options of 3-9 miles along the trails.
The Wednesday evening track workout meets @ 6pm at the Crittenden Middle School Track.
The Thursday evening run meets @ 6pm @ Landels School on Dana St. We usually run 3-7 miles on the Stevens Creek trail. You are welcome to join us for dinner afterwards (at various locations).
Please check out our calendar to see all of our activities (including races). We also have a Facebook page - Mountain View Area Run Club.
Even though there are a lot of people in this run club, we average about 20 participants on most runs. It's a lot of fun and a great way to make new friends! Come check it out!
Please be aware of the ongoing Covid situation. To note:
- please do not join if you feel unwell or are experiencing any symptoms
- join at your own risk