What we’re about
All our games are free. This group is dedicated to Paizo Organized Play, featuring Pathfinder, Starfinder & Pathfinder 2nd Edition by Paizo Publishing.
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Just RSVP for a low-level game, show up and play!
The following are always helpful:
- Dice
- A mini or Lego minifigure for your character
- Your character's character sheet
If you don't have any of these things, let your event host know. We have pregenerated characters we can provide you, and often can loan dice and minis when you are getting started. The best way to learn is just playing!
We are very beginner friendly.
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Midwest Pathfinder / Starfinder Discord
A great place to get advice for building your own character and talk to other people from this group. All the group's organizers are on here.
Basic Information about the Campaigns
Get Started with the Pathfinder Society
Get started with Starfinder Society
Official Guides to Organized Play
Pathfinder Second Edition Guide to Organized Play
Starfinder Society Guide to Organized Play
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The purpose is to coordinate, schedule and communicate events for Organized Play in Minnesota.
More specifically, our purpose is to:
- Promote local interest in scheduled Organized Play events and home-games.
- Build a community for local players of Paizo Role Playing Games.
- Discuss rules, products, character concepts, Organized Play comments/concerns, and all things Pathfinder and Starfinder
- To provide a central go-to location for new players.
Pathfinder Society is a style of “organized play” in which characters can be played at events across the globe. Characters are developed normally in stand-alone adventures taking around 4 hours of play time. Join thousands of fellow Pathfinders and Starfinders to “explore, report, and cooperate” and get to know your local players.
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Ask us on our Discord!
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Pathfinder Sunday at Level Up Games St. Paul - New Character Class IntroLevel Up Saint Paul, St Paul, MN
Event Code: 4693127
Game #1 - PF2 1 - 06 - Lost on the Spirit Road ( Levels 1-4 )
Scenario Description (from Paizo): Lost on the Spirit Road
This game is intended to give players the option to try out pregenerated characters for some new basic character classes - two of them; plus one existing class that now has a pregenerated character - so three in all:
Kineticist (existing, new pregen) - channels elemental forces (fire, water, etc.) to blast your enemies.
Animist (new!) - combines your own magical power with that of bonded spirits and apparitions.
Exemplar (new!) - combining your warrior training and skills with relics that grant you a bit of godhood, enhancing your physical weapons and abilities.
Since I will always run these new character class intro games with repeatable scenarios (in each scenario, you will have the choice of a lower or higher level pregenerated character, to really give these new classes a good test drive), you'll have a chance to try out the new classes (if you want to, I would really appreciate players trying the new classes, but you don't have to).
GM: Theo
Players: Tom, Jordan, Scott, Yaniv, David
Tag(s): repeatableRPG Chronicles Sign-In: RPG Chronicles Sign-in
This event will be held every other Sunday from 12 pm - 5 pm (the games don't usually run that long, but just in case we are having a lot of fun, and the game runs longer, Level Up (thank you!) gives us the time available to go that long if we need to.)
Tables could be either Starfinder Society or Pathfinder Society depending on interest and GM availability. Paizo Organized Play.
Come roll dice with us!!!
We welcome rookie and veteran players alike! If you need assistance in any way comment below, send Theo a message, or if you would like to meet in person come a half hour early and we can help you at the table!
- Fox Den Board Game CafeFox Den Board Game Cafe, Burnsville, MN
1-20 The Lost Legend (3-6)
6-05 Silver Bark, Golden Blades (1-4)Come visit the newest board game cafe in town.
Event # 4636127
Table 1: Alpine Forest Room
1-20 The Lost Legend (3-6)
Description: The Lost Legend
GM: Katie
Players: Tom, Steven, Jorden, Nick
Tags: Metaplot
Sign in:Click hereTable 2: The Dragon Keep Room
6-05 Silver Bark, Golden Blades (1-4)
Description: Silver Bark, Golden Blades
GM: Matt
Players: Brad, Bret, Hilary, Cytokinin, Andy
Tags: Repeatable
Sign in:We use RPGChronicles as a GM tool to create the game chronicles. There is no need for a player to create an account.
Fox Den Board Game Cafe home page
Walk-ups If there is space available on the Friday before the game, two seats will be reserved for walk-up seating.
If you have questions, feel free to contact me. We have pregenerated characters for those who want a ready-to-run character.
If there's a scenario you'd like to see run, or you'd like to volunteer to run, please reach out and let me know.
- Wednesday Night at Dreamer's Vault - 1/15Dreamer's Vault Games, Minneapolis, MN
PFS Scenario 5-16 A Lie Told to Strangers (3-6), 5-10 Crocodile's Smile (1-4)
Wednesday Night Pathfinder and Starfinder Society at Dreamer's Vault, Minneapolis. Come out and play Pathfinder or Starfinder with us! We are behind and to the right of the checkout area.The doors lock at 8 PM - if you have to go outside after 8, make sure someone knows you're going so they can let you back in.
Thanks everyone, and see you on Wednesday!
Event: #4476126
Table #1
PFS2 5-16 A Lie Told to Strangers (3-6) (1-4)
Description: PFS 5-16@Paizo
GM: Christine S.
Players (6 Seats Available):
Tags: [NONE]
Chronicle Sign in link: Coming Soon!Event: #4476126
Table #2
5-10 Crocodile's Smile (1-4)
Description: PFS 5-10@Paizo
GM: Scott R.
Players (6 Seats Available):
Tags: Metaplot (Unfettered Exploration), Faction (Horizon Hunters)
Chronicle Sign in link: Coming Soon!