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What we’re about

Muslim & Chill is an activities-based club for Muslims in the SF Bay Area. Check us out on instagram: @muslimandchill

We're a group of chill people who enjoy hanging out in a Muslim-friendly environment without having to explain ourselves.

"Chill" members on our discord server also host members only gatherings that are open to anyone who agrees to the chill code.

What's Chill?
Chill simply means to be easy going. Be inclusive of people around you, accept that there's different preferences, perspectives, tastes and natures among us, and go with the flow to enjoy the flavor each of us bring to life without offending or upsetting people. Bonus, you get to be in a muslim friendly environment.

We have instant messaging channels on discord and WhatsApp. Discord hosts all our activity club channels, like foodies, sports, entertainment, adventurers, creative works, book club for tag alongs, get togethers and discussions. Join the channels here.

P.S. You do not need to be a muslim to join, just be able to enjoy yourself in a muslim friendly environment. (i.e. there's not going to be any alcohol or drugs, not going to be any pork in food, and some people may naturally segregate into just guys or girls groups)