What we’re about
This is a book club and meetup group for those of you who are interested in the kind of books and media that explore all of the great themes of science fiction, fantasy and horror -- like what, exactly, happens to the bourgeoisie in a zombie apocalypse (hint: they taste just like everyone else). We'll read everything from your bog standard literary novel to graphic novels, and maybe the occasional non-fiction nerd memoir (or "nermoir").
This group also caters to anyone who loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy TV shows and movies and would like to watch and discuss favorite shows and movies with other fans. We periodically attend other nerdtastic events in and around OC. All fandoms and ages are welcome. If you have any event suggestions, let one of the organizers know!
Our monthly book discussions consist of 30 minutes of introductions, followed by a group book discussion. Members are free to hang out after the discussion, and, you know, be all social and stuff.