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What we’re about

We're a community of greater New Haven area women who enjoy casual games of pickleball at courts located in North Haven.

During winter, we're on hiatus, with no regularly scheduled meetups. However, if there's a day when the weather is sunny, 40s or higher, and low to now wind, a play time might be scheduled. We'll convene regular play times in the spring.


If you are totally new to pickleball, please gain some familiarity with the game in advance. Players should:

  • have an understanding of the basic rules of the game
  • know how to serve
  • have gotten onto a court at least once with a friend and practiced serving as well as getting the ball back and forth over the net

Good Intro Video:

Good Summary of Rules:

Players do not need to be good at playing! Most of us in the group are true amateurs. You also don't need to have a full grasp of the scoring and serving system -- that's a bit of a learning curve.

Group links

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