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Welcome to New Hanover County Kirtan By Spirit Soul And Friends™

Are you a spiritual seeker? Do you want to deepen your spiritual practice? Kirtan may be just the activity you are looking for!

Kirtan is simple, requires no experience and is always donation-based. Kirtan is call and response using transcendental mantras. You don't have to have a melodic voice or be a professional singer. All you need is an open heart and mind.

Kirtan is a universally recommended activity in all spiritual processes throughout the world. Engage and experience Kirtan, a non-denominational practice that has been passed down since time immemorial and a constant in all paths and religions.

Getting together as a group is a fun way to do this! It is a great activity for families and communities. You will be hearing and singing beautiful mantras and transcendental sounds that create peace and harmony by their spiritual potency!

Come taste the sweet nectar of true happiness and peace by joyously chanting transcendental sound vibrations!


Kirtan is when two or more people get together to joyously sing or chant Mantras. 'Man' means mind, 'Tra' means that which frees. A mantra is a sound vibration that frees or delivers the mind from its attachment and preoccupation with worldly matters, and focuses it on the Supreme. Every day we hear sounds that increase our attachment and preoccupation with things and happenings in this material world, so obviously not just any sound is a mantra. Ancient Yoga texts describe the sound vibrations that hold the spiritual potency to free us from material conditioning, are Mantras. God's Names (Mantras) and Words have that spiritual potency and are as spiritually pure and purifying as God Himself.

Kirtan is completely non-sectarian and non-denominational because the universal principle for spiritual reawakening through singing the Names of God is recommended in the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), Koran and Vedic Scriptures.

Kirtan is a spiritual tool to purify one's consciousness bringing the soul real peace and happiness; Peaceful individuals create a peaceful society.

There Should Never Be a Charge For Kirtan
According to Yoga texts, it is forbidden to charge for Kirtan and teaching spiritual truths because these should be freely available to everyone, not just those who can afford it. Therefore, we do not list on New Hanover Mantra Meditation MeetUp kirtan events that require payment for admission.

We look forward to seeing you and your family at one of the many upcoming events!

Aloha and Namaste
Patita Pavana, Director Of Community Events for
Spirit Soul And Friends™ - A Musical Peace Troupe

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