What we’re about
New Jersey Creative Professionals is a hub for those involved or thinking of getting involved within the creative community.
This group will be dedicated to providing resources for anyone who has a passion for the creative process. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, or are working to get your start in the industry, we will work to provide information that adds value to your career as a creative professional.
Together as a group we’ll aim to host at least one meeting each month and try to alternate between a social event and a more informational session, where we’ll share ideas on the industry and have an occasional guest speaker.
As we work to create and foster connections with those involved in the NJ creative landscape, feel free to inquire about and exchange ideas on new media, design, marketing, advertising, social media, etc...
If you have any suggestions about potential meetings or overall ways to make the group more valuable to members please let us know.
Look forward to seeing everyone soon.