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What we’re about

Newcastle Ladies that Lunch is a social group for women in the North East who want to make new friends and have fun. We organise regular meals out and coffee mornings, daytime events and some evenings. Most venues are in and around Tyneside and Wearside which have easy transport links.

There is an annual membership fee of £10 payable within the 1st week of membership, renewal by September 1 annually. Meetup is a worldwide non-profit making organisation and all membership fees go to help run the our group and the website. The group Organiser pays a half yearly fee to HQ.

We may ask for non-refundable deposits on events where table bookings have to be made or a deposit is required.  If you're wanting to respond to several events at the same time, you can pay all at once. RSVP as usual then note which dates you're paying for on the transaction.

If you would like days out, walking, cinema trips, theatre, photography, dog walking, pamper days, swimming, shopping etc, please contact Organiser (Sue Nicholson), or any of the leadership team, to arrange. The group can only prosper if members join in, attend events and suggest different things to do.  
An up-to-date photograph is obligatory and it has to be a photo of you.