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What we’re about

The Niskayuna Moms’ Group strives to connect moms, build community, and have fun.
The membership includes a mix of new & veteran moms, full-time stay-at-home moms, and part-time & full-time working moms. Some of the moms grew up in the area, whereas some have just moved here recently. The majority of members’ kids are 0-5 years old, though siblings are welcome at events.

For safety purposes, we must here note our "Authorization & Release of Liability", which you must agree to should you become a member of our group. It is as follows:

"I understand that the Niskayuna Moms’ Group is a volunteer-run, nonprofit group for children and their caregivers, and my participation in this group is completely voluntary. I understand and agree that my and my child(ren)’s participation in activities associated with this group necessarily involve potential for the risk of injury and even death from various causes, including but not limited to accidents, falls, strenuous and prolonged physical activity, illness, collision or dispute with other participants, weather related injuries, and injuries due to potential playing area and equipment defects. On behalf of my child, me, and my family, I assume these risks. In consideration of my family's participation in this group, and on behalf of my child and me as the parent/guardian, I hereby release all liability of the Niskayuna Moms’ Group from any potential injury during my participation. I agree not to sue the Niskayuna Moms’ Group nor its associated volunteers/board members as to any and all claims of my child, me, and other family members for personal injuries suffered by my child, property damage, medical expenses, and economic loss arising directly or indirectly out of my child’s participation in the group. This Release of Liability shall be binding on me, my family, heirs, next of kin, legal representatives, beneficiaries, and successors.