Back by popular demand -- a trip to Gibbs Gardens. It's beautiful, and what a lovely way to get a walk in. Meet outside the entrance at 11:00. There is an entrance fee of $25 for adults, $18 for seniors over 65. You might find it helpful to buy your ticket in advance.
The actual entrance to the park is from the closest parking lot. Meet there. Do no go into the park or we may miss you. Be aware that typically there is often limited cell phone access from this location. If you RSVP yes and change your mind, please remember to change your RSVP to No so we won't wait on you. We'll meet at 11 and wait, if needed, until 11:10.
After, for those interested, we'll go to downtown Ball Ground GA for lunch. It's a fun little area to visit.
Learn more about Gibbs Gardens at their website: