What we’re about
"There is a sunrise and a sunset every day and you can choose to be there for it. You can put yourself in the way of beauty." -- by Cheryl Strayed, taken from the book 'Wild, from lost to found on the Pacific Crest Trail'
Please take note of the following VERY important information:
1) Our membership primarily consists of adventurer's in their 40's, 50's, and 60's, but we welcome anyone of any age into the group.
2) To request a membership, you MUST provide a clearly identifiable picture of yourself (No one else can be in the picture) without a hat or sunglasses. Requests not meeting this policy can be rejected.
3) Your membership is put in '"Trial' status until you attend an event. The Trial status is only good for 60 days, so plan on attending an event as soon as possible. Upon attending your first event, make sure you talk to the event organizer and they can convert you to a regular membership.
4) Finally, be aware that this is NOT a dating, drinking, or singles group. The mission of this group is strictly outdoor adventures.
Here is some other important information regarding our group:
The Organizer and Assistant Organizers are our leaders and serve as 'sponsors' for potential new members and will introduce you to other members of the group and explain what our group is all about.
Northern Colorado Adventurers maintains membership levels that provide a good balance of members to leaders for each event, emphasizing quality over quantity. Our policy is 12 people per event, subject to change based on the trail and other factors. Please join us for the next adventure - it could be hiking, snowshoeing, a full moon hike, rafting, a hut trip, a camping trip, or maybe an evening of indoor rock climbing.
We provide a wide variety of hikes to accommodate all abilities. The majority of our hikes are in regional Parks and Open spaces on the Front Range. Summer months allow us to explore the Poudre Canyon and Rocky Mtn National Park that offer hundreds of trails. We have also scheduled hikes up Colorado's 13'ers and14'ers during the summer months.
We welcome outdoor adventurers from all the surrounding areas including Loveland, Estes Park, Fort Collins, Greeley, Longmont, Cheyenne, and Denver.
The Northern Colorado Adventurers activities may involve certain risks inherent with the outdoor activities. As a participant of our outdoor events you are responsible for your own safety and risk. Our activities include hiking, snowshoeing, rock climbing, rafting, canoeing, downhill and Nordic Skiing and other adventures. You must post a clearly identifiable photo of yourself to be accepted as a member in order for us to know who you are since we almost always carpool. All membership is subject to verification over the phone or in person at one of the events.
One of the intentions of this group is to have members that are active, keep the size of the meetup events at a reasonable number based on the number of organizers leading each event, and to develop lifelong friendships and camaraderie. In order to accomplish this and make it effective, all members are required to attend at least one event every 6 months. This helps the organizers keep familiar with the needs of the members and encourages everyone to be active. All members are encouraged to suggest events to the organizers in order to generate new ideas and continue to allow us to explore new adventures.
Gary Odehnal, Organizer
Northern Colorado Adventurers