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What we’re about

The Lord had placed In my heart( Debbie ) to connect Christians so we can grow in our walk with Jesus and be accountable as the Bible states in Galations 6:22, Proverbs 27:17, to enjoy fellowship that is Christ centered. I had a group of 30 friends from various Christian churches and we continually met, traveled together, fellowshipped.
The Lord placed it in my heart to connect more Christians who were looking for fellowship with other believers to encourage and strengthen each other's faith and walk in Jesus and to be accountable one towards the other " iron sharpening iron".
I met Joanne Kowalski who took an interest in the group and wanted to help with organizing events and contacting people. With the Help of Steve and Michael , they helped me get started on meetup in Nov 2012.
Now there r over 1,300+ members. That's awesome!! I guess there is a need for a group like this in the Northern NJ area. The emphasis is on Christ Jesus to be the focus, there r mainly SINGLES, BUT THERE ARE SOME MARRIED COUPLES and with kids. The ages range from 40-70. Members are from locations throughout new Jersey.
We include Bible Studies, Potluck Fellowship Dinners, Restaurants, Mini Golf, Bowling, Hikes/ prayer walks ,Gatherings at the Lake, Movies, Outdoor Barbecues, and more. Our Goal is is to REFLECT JESUS IN ALL WE Do. Hope you will join us and be blessed as part of HIS BODY.