What we’re about
NoVA CBG About Page
NoVA CBG Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/NOVACBG)
Welcome to the Northern Virginia Casual Biking Group (NOVA-CBG). For your cycling pleasure, please join us for various casual bicycle rides around the area. **************************************
How Do We Define "Casual"? : *************************************** Well, we really don't pressure anyone to be a professional cyclist.* We don't ask you to own any special gear (except for a helmet).* We don't ask you to wear special outfits (unless you want to).* All we ask is that you come as you are comfortably with a bike that is in well-tuned shape and a helmet. We ride with a "no man left behind" philosophy so that everyone can enjoy themselves without fear of getting lost or left behind. So the ride may have a few extra "re-grouping" stops if that is required due to various riding skills. Because of this philosophy we really try to ask that the cyclist's riding skill matches the ride they are on.
Ride Levels: ************************************** NoVA CBG tries to accommodate all levels of cyclists by offering different types/levels of rides. We just ask that you come to the ride that suits your current riding ability the best.
*Introductory Level:
If you haven't ridden a bike in a number of years (or are uncertain of your abilities on a bicycle).
*Beginner Level:
You can easily ride your bike for 10 miles with some minor hills at a comfortable pace of 12+ mph.
*Medium Level:
You can do 20 miles pretty easily at a moderate pace of 13 to 15+ mph.
*Advanced Level: You can do 20++ miles easily at a 15+ pace and / or handle various challenges as rain, night riding, or other odd cycling situations.
Riding Requirements: ************************************** Just like every other group we DO have some riding requirements: 1) Helmets are mandatory for every ride we do, no exceptions... period.
2) All riders ride at their own risk and with the understanding that cycling is an inherently dangerous activity. Participating in a NoVA-CBG ride is voluntary and riders must be ready and able to participate in the ride as described in the meetup and under the conditions of the day. Riders have read and acknowledged by an RSVP 'YES' MEETUP.com's "Terms of Service : Section 6. Release " found at https://www.meetup.com/terms/ and NOVA-CBG's "Assumption of Risk Agreement" found @ https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/pages/1942951/NOVA-CBG_Waiver/.
3) Just in case there is an emergency situation you should always have on you Identification, Insurance, and any other important medical information.
4) All riders must be at least 18 years of age.
5) No music is allowed on any of the rides. Headphones or otherwise.
6) We have a "three strikes" NO SHOW policy, so please honor your RSVP or change it accordingly as soon as your situation changes.
Membership Dues: ************************************** Your first two months in the group are free, after that we have an annual $10.00 membership fee. This fee helps defer the cost of the MEETUP fees and facilitates our Annual "Company" Picnic and Annual Holiday Party. In addition these dues allow us to perform our Tire Changing and Gear classes and our Bike In Movies series during the winter.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- NoVA CBG Zwifters International: Heading to Paris (3x Champs-Élysées 14.3m 431e)Link visible for attendees
We're going to Paris (France, not Texas)
+++++++++++++++++++++- Step One: Have your ZWIFT setup done.
* See this link: https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/events/305184929/ - Step Two: Join the "NoVA CBG Zwifters" club on Zwift.
https://www.zwift.com/clubs/e4780b0c-7dc8-4a21-8954-cf34b0326103/home - Step Three: Find Event and mark yourself as Attending.
* In the "NoVA CBG Zwifters" club find the event. Scroll to the bottom and find an orange square with a PLUS SIGN in it. Click that. That says you are attending.
* This helps you find the ride at ride time in ZWIFT. - Step Four: OPTIONAL but Encouraged. Use the "discord" app to talk over our cell phones while riding. https://discord.gg/aJ2tta2e
The Ride: Summary
(Must Read)
+++++++++++++++++++++- NAME: NoVA CBG Zwifters International
- WATOPIA ROUTE: Heading to Paris (3x Champs-Élysées 14.3m 431e)
- ROUTE LINK: https://www.zwift.com/events/view/4879631
- ROUTE DETAILS: https://zwiftinsider.com/route/champs-elysees/
- CLUB DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/FbPSdbMu
- WATOPIA ENDING: 7:30 PM (approx)
- START LOCATION: Auto Placement in the Zwift route
- LEVEL: Introductory (ride as much or as little as you want).
- DISTANCE: Your distance will vary.
- PACE: "Keep Together" feature in Zwift. (pedal at your own pace).
- TERRAIN: Smart trainers will adjust resistance for terrain, dumb trainers will not.
- You have to keep pedaling your bicycle for the "Keep Together" feature to keep you with everyone else.
* You don't have to pedal fast, but you must pedal.
* Coffee breaks are when you can stop pedaling. - A Zwift account and a computer with the Zwift app loaded.
* $20 a month is the fee for the Zwift account.
* You can get a month free by using this referral code: https://www.zwift.com/invite/b7vxe9n3fg - You need a trainer and a way to get speed or power into Zwift.
* It depends on if you have a smart trainer, or a dumb trainer.
* See below for more information. - A cellphone with Zwift Companion loaded.
* Think of this as your Watopia world game controller.
* This is how you do things like navigate turns, message, give thumbs up to people, and more in the Watopia game. - You need to join the "NoVA CBG Zwift Riders" club on Zwift (see link below or search for the club on your Zwift Companion App).
The Ride: Detail
For your cycling pleasure NoVA CBG presents the NoVA CBG Zwifters ride series. This will be approximately a one-hour ride in Zwift (unless advertised differently) and probably at the 1-2 W/KG effort level (easier).+++++++++++++++++++++
ZWIFT Details
See this link: https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/events/305184929/ - Step One: Have your ZWIFT setup done.
- NoVA CBG Daytime Zwifters: Neon Flats (Makuri Islands - 9.3 miles 237 elev)Link visible for attendees
The Tuesday Daytime Zwifter Series.
+++++++++++++++++++++- Step One: Have your ZWIFT setup done.
* See this link: https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/events/305184929/ - Step Two: Join the "NoVA CBG Zwifters" club on Zwift and get approved. https://www.zwift.com/clubs/e4780b0c-7dc8-4a21-8954-cf34b0326103/home
- Step Three: In the "NoVA CBG Zwifters" club find the event. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see an orange square with a PLUS SIGN in it. Click that. That says you are attending.
* This helps you find the ride to join at ride time in ZWIFT. - Step Four: OPTIONAL but Encouraged. Use the "discord" app to talk over our cell phones while riding. https://discord.gg/FbPSdbMu
The Ride: Summary
(Must Read)
+++++++++++++++++++++- NAME: NoVA CBG Daytime Zwifters
- WATOPIA ROUTE: Neon Flats (Makuri Islands - 9.3 miles 237 elev)
- ROUTE LINK: https://www.zwift.com/events/view/4879656
- ROUTE DETAILS: https://zwiftinsider.com/route/neon-flats/
- DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/FbPSdbMu
- WATOPIA ENDING: 10:40 PM (approx)
- START LOCATION: Auto Placement in the Zwift route
- LEVEL: Introductory (ride as much or as little as you want).
- DISTANCE: Your distance will vary
- PACE: "Keep Together" feature in Zwift. (pedal at your own pace).
- TERRAIN: Smart trainers will adjust resistance for terrain, dumb trainers will not.
- You have to keep pedaling your bicycle for the "Keep Together" feature to keep you with everyone else.
* You don't have to pedal fast, but you must pedal.
* Coffee breaks are when you can stop pedaling. - A Zwift account and a computer with the Zwift app loaded.
* $20 a month is the fee for the Zwift account.
* You can get a month free by using this referral code: https://www.zwift.com/invite/b7vxe9n3fg - You need a trainer and a way to get speed or power into Zwift.
* It depends on if you have a smart trainer, or a dumb trainer.
* See below for more information. - A cellphone with Zwift Companion loaded.
* Think of this as your Watopia world game controller.
* This is how you do things like navigate turns, message, give thumbs up to people, and more in the Watopia game. - You need to join the "NoVA CBG Zwift Riders" club on Zwift (see link below or search for the club on your Zwift Companion App).
The Ride: Detail
For your cycling pleasure NoVA CBG presents the NoVA CBG Zwifters ride series.This will be approximately a one-hour ride in Zwift (unless advertised differently) and probably at the 1-2 W/KG effort level (easier).
ZWIFT Details
See this link: https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/events/305184929/ - Step One: Have your ZWIFT setup done.
- Medium Level: The Koffee Klatch Ride : Bad Ass HawaiianFour Mile Run Trail Parking Area, Arlington, VA
Arlington Triangloop Counter-clockwise but at a "social" pace (makes for a nice recovery ride). We will hang at coffee shop for a good 30 minutes to eat, drink, and relax.
The Ride: Summary
(Must Read)
++++++++++++++++++++- RIDE NAME: The Koffee Klatch Ride - Bad Ass Hawaiian Virginia Sq/Ballston
- START LOC: Bluemont Tennis Courts Parking, N Manchester & Wilson, Arlington, VA
- START GPS: https://maps.app.goo.gl/gsMkdU7STFebbrFg6
- START PARKING: Bluemont Tennis Parking lot (restroom available)
- ARRIVAL: 10:00am
- SPEECH: 10:10am
**you must be present for the speech or no ride for you!** - ROLLING: 10:15am
- LEVEL: Medium
- PACE: 11-13 mph (a "social" pace)
- DISTANCE: 15.8 miles
- TERRAIN: Trail / Street / Cyclepath
The Ride: Detail
The ride is a 15.8 mile medium level ridden at a social pace (11-13 mph). We will ride the Arlington Loop counter-clockwise starting from the Bluemont Tennis Parking Lot, and stop for our "Koffee Klatch" at Bad Ass Hawaiian on Fairfax Blvd at N Nelson. This used to be a Dunkin' location and Bad Ass has just opened. We will exit the Triangle/Loop by Mom's (about mile 12.2) and take bike lanes on Veitch, Wilson, and Fairfax . After coffee we will continue on the the Fairfax bike lane and connect with the Bluemont Junction Trail at about mile 14.5 near the Holiday Inn ExpressYou are not required to drink or even like coffee.
The Ride After The Ride:
+++++++++++++++++++++This week's coffee shop
is the Ride WITHIN The Ride!
Bad Ass Coffee of Hawaii
3701 N. Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA+++++++++++++++++++++
Ride Level Chart
NoVA CBG tries to accommodate all levels of cyclists by offering different types/levels of rides. We just ask that you come to the ride that suits your current riding ability the best.- Introductory Level: If you haven't ridden a bike in a number of years (or are uncertain of your abilities on a bicycle).
- Beginner Level: You can ride for 10+ miles at a pace of 10+ to 12+ mph with potentially minor hills involved.
- Medium Level: You can ride for 20+ miles at a pace of 13+ to 15+ mph with potentially moderate hills involved.
- Advanced Level: You can ride for 20++ miles at a pace of 15+ mph with potentially major hills involved.
Both Medium and Advanced Levels might require handling various challenges such as reading cue sheets, using a Garmin or navigation app, night riding, out of town travel, or any other odd cycling situations.
The Fine Print:
An RSVP of 'YES' is your digital signature and means you have read and understood MEETUP.com's:- "Terms of Service : Section 6. Release" found at https://www.meetup.com/terms/
- NOVA-CBG's "Assumption of Risk Agreement" found @ https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/pages/1942951/NOVA-CBG_Waiver/
- NoVA CBG's "COVID Policy" found @ http://bit.ly/2021_NoVACBG_COVID19_POLICY
Helmets are required to participate in all NOVA-CBG rides. All riders ride at their own risk and with the understanding that cycling is an inherently dangerous activity. When coming to the meetup you do so voluntarily and are ready and able to participate in the ride as described under the conditions of the day. Be on time for the "pre-ride" preparation. If you do not attend the pre-ride preparation you will not be allowed to participate on the ride. There are NO exceptions to the above.
...................................................................................................................... - NoVA CBG Zwifters: Watopia Wednesday: Central Park Perimeter Loop (12.4 m 836 e)Link visible for attendees
NoVA CBG Zwifters: Watopia Wednesday
+++++++++++++++++++++- Step One: Have your ZWIFT setup done.
* See this link: https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/events/305184929/ - Step Two: Join the "NoVA CBG Zwifters" club on Zwift.
https://www.zwift.com/clubs/e4780b0c-7dc8-4a21-8954-cf34b0326103/home - Step Three: Find Event and mark yourself as Attending.
* In the "NoVA CBG Zwifters" club find the event. Scroll to the bottom and find an orange square with a PLUS SIGN in it. Click that. That says you are attending.
* This helps you find the ride at ride time in ZWIFT. - Step Four: OPTIONAL but Encouraged. Use the "discord" app to talk over our cell phones while riding. https://discord.gg/FbPSdbMu
The Ride: Summary
(Must Read)
+++++++++++++++++++++- NAME: NoVA CBG Zwifters: Watopia Wednesdays
- WATOPIA ROUTE: NYC Central Park Perimeter Loop (12.4 m 836 e)
- ROUTE LINK: https://www.zwift.com/events/view/4879625
- ROUTE DETAILS: https://zwiftinsider.com/route/park-perimeter-loop/
- CLUB DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/FbPSdbMu
- WATOPIA ENDING: 7:30 PM (approx)
- START LOCATION: Auto Placement in the Zwift route
- LEVEL: Introductory (ride as much or as little as you want).
- DISTANCE: Your distance will vary.
- PACE: "Keep Together" feature in Zwift. (pedal at your own pace).
- TERRAIN: Smart trainers will adjust resistance for terrain, dumb trainers will not.
- You have to keep pedaling your bicycle for the "Keep Together" feature to keep you with everyone else.
* You don't have to pedal fast, but you must pedal.
* Coffee breaks are when you can stop pedaling. - A Zwift account and a computer with the Zwift app loaded.
* $20 a month is the fee for the Zwift account.
* You can get a month free by using this referral code: https://www.zwift.com/invite/b7vxe9n3fg - You need a trainer and a way to get speed or power into Zwift.
* It depends on if you have a smart trainer, or a dumb trainer.
* See below for more information. - A cellphone with Zwift Companion loaded.
* Think of this as your Watopia world game controller.
* This is how you do things like navigate turns, message, give thumbs up to people, and more in the Watopia game. - You need to join the "NoVA CBG Zwift Riders" club on Zwift (see link below or search for the club on your Zwift Companion App).
The Ride: Detail
For your cycling pleasure NoVA CBG presents the NoVA CBG Zwift Riders "Watopia Wednesdays" ride series.CBG will do a Zwift event every Wednesday (the only thing missing is the custard). This will be approximately a one-hour ride in Zwift (unless advertised differently) and probably at the 1-2 W/KG effort level (easier).
ZWIFT Details
See this link: https://www.meetup.com/novacbg/events/305184929/ - Step One: Have your ZWIFT setup done.