What we’re about
Novel Lovers of Sonoma County, CA (originally Novel Lovers of Sebastopol) is a book discussion group where we talk in depth about contemporary literary fiction. We’ve been meeting since February 6, 2011, and online since March 2020. We discuss our chosen novels for 1.5 hours. We assume that you’ve read the entire book carefully and are eager to talk about it. We’re friendly and welcoming – not stodgy at all -- but we do take our book discussions seriously!
We read contemporary novels that have received critical acclaim and/or won literary awards. We try to schedule a few books ahead so you can get the book and plan your time. To participate in this process, comment in our Discord -- you'll get the link once you've paid for the year.
We schedule two meetings for each novel so we can keep our Zoom groups small. Sign up for only one of the two meetings.
We also have a lively short story group that discusses one story in depth for an hour every other Sunday. We recommend reading the story at least twice.
Please RSVP “yes” when you know for sure that you’ll be there, and please change your RSVP if your plans change. Don’t RSVP “yes” if you mean “maybe,” and please don’t be a no-show. As a courtesy to the wait list and organizer, change your RSVP if you can't attend, even at the last minute.
We keep our meetings small, maximum 12 people, and many meetings are smaller. Popular books fill the RSVP list quickly, and we may have a wait list. Almost everyone does get in (people's plans change, emergencies and illnesses happen, etc.), so if you're on the wait list, read the book. If you get in, even as late as the day of the meeting, you'll be ready.
We charge dues to cover Joan's exorbitant Meetup organizer fees and paid Zoom subscription. The fee is small: just $10 to try us for two months, or $40/year when paid in advance at first notice/ $45/year if you need reminders. (Dues prorated if you join later in the year.)
Here’s how it works:
1. If you wish to join or remain a member and attend our online meetings, send Joan $10 for the first two months to try us out, or $40 to join for the calendar year. (Dues prorated if you join later in the year.) Message organizer Joan Price or email directly joan[atsign]joanprice[dot]com. for payment options.
2. Your dues payment entitles you to “all you can eat” – as many of our discussions of novels and short stories as you wish to attend.
3. Only dues paying members may sign up for meetings.
4. If you love our group but it’s a hardship to pay, tell Joan. We have dues exemptions available.
Questions? Message organizer Joan Price or email directly joan[atsign]joanprice[dot]com.