What we’re about
Join us for adventures in reading & real life! We are a community of readers who discuss books over paired outings. Like to explore? Like to read? You’ve found your people! Join us here in-person and for online discussions wherever you are on the socials! FB, Insta, TikTok, Website
Newsletter/FB group: Meetup isn’t great at sending out notifications, so to stay up to date with the latest book and activity pairings, sign up for the newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/fc5e0725650d/thenoveltourist and join the community on our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ I also post regularly on books and book pairings on Instagram via @thenoveltourist
What the Club Will Do for You
The purpose of all NTBC events is to give you the opportunity to socialize with likeminded readers who are life long learners and love to try new experiences. If your goal is read more books, do more stuff and meet more friends, being part of NTBC can be a life-changing experience!
What You Can Do for the Club
Bring your fun-loving, healthy attitude. Be committed to reading, showing up when promised, and being respectful of other members. We require that your profile includes a clear picture of yourself so others can identify you at our events.
Terms and Conditions
By joining the Novel Tourist Book Club or signing up for or attending any event offered by the Novel Tourist Book Club, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- Readers please: NTBC is, first and foremost, a book club. We do a lot of amazing activities tied to the books. There are lots of Meetup groups that also do these fun activities. So, if you don’t like to read or don’t plan to read, we are sure there is another group out there that is more suited to your interests. Now, that said, it doesn’t mean you have to read the book or finish the book every time. Sometimes, you try and the book just doesn’t resonate with you. That’s okay! Come and tell us how much you didn’t like it! All we ask is that you try.
- No Guests: Sadness, we know! We are all about the more the merrier, but there must be a limit to the number of attendees at any one event. Events fill up really fast and so unless the event allows you to add a guest (which will be very rare) your guest must create a Meetup account and rsvp for themselves as a member. Yay new members!
- Liability Waiver: By signing up for an event, all members take full responsibility for their own actions and agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ZE-yUJEcHUnXF_A8MUsfxWhEmrKxZEcojrHh8FjQzc/edit; and further agree to hold harmless the Novel Tourists Book Club organizers and members of this Meetup book club from any and all claims and liability in case of possible injuries as stated in Paragraph 6 of the Meetup Terms of Service Agreement ( https://help.meetup.com/hc/en-us/articles/360027447252-Terms-of-Service#h_9e385395-a405-4361-8afc-854a4f586c82 ). When attending an event, you acknowledge that you are doing this at your own risk.
- Event Payments:
- Name: If your name on your Meetup profile is different than your name on your payment profile (PayPal, Venmo), please provide your meetup name when you make your payment;
- Include Date or Event Title: Please include the date of the event or an indication of the event title (e.g. if we are going to a restaurant put the name of the restaurant not just “restaurant” or “book club.”)
- Be Open-minded, Kind and Courteous: We can’t imagine anyone who loves to read being anything but open-minded, kind and courteous. However, I also know we bibliophiles can have some pretty strong opinions about books! Whether you agree with someone or not, no doubt you came here for a welcoming environment. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.
- No bullies: Personal attacks of any kind are not allowed. Period. I have zero tolerance for any bullying, degrading comments about another member’s race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity. We are an open and inclusive community and to keep it that way a$$holes will be removed from the group.
- Photos/Videos: Joining the group and attending an event means you’re a-okay with being photographed/video recorded during events. We always takes pics: for the memories and for promotion of future events and NTBC.
- Communication settings: This is just helpful guidance. Events fill up really fast. Make sure your settings are set to maximize communication: Click on your profile pic in Meetup, click Settings, under General select Email Updates, scroll down and find The Novel Tourists Book Club under “Updates about your Group”, click Edit next to The Novel Tourists Book Club and then make your choices. I suggest checking “New Event Announcements,” “Changes to Event Time or Locations,” “My RSVP is confirmed,” and, most importantly: "Announcements to Members About the Group" and “Event updates from Organizer.” Also, you may want to download the Meetup app.
- Carpooling: It’s great for the planet! However, any arrangements are between you and the person driving. The Novel Tourists Book Club organizers and hosts do not provide, endorse, sponsor or take responsibility for any carpool arrangements pertaining to any event. Please use your good judgment when deciding whether or not to carpool with other participants of the book club event you are attending.
- Refund Policy:
- Events with a fee of less than $5: No refunds, even if someone takes your spot. The events fill fast and the only way to really try to make sure that those who are truly interested and able to come get a seat, is a nominal fee. This fee is offered to the event host to pay for their entrance/meal/etc as a way of saying thank you for your time and for putting this together for us.
- Events with a fee greater than $5: The general policy is if the Organizer/Host can get their money back, you’ll get your money back - if you timely cancelled. Once an event location has been paid, however, many times they won’t issue a refund. If they don’t refund us, we can’t refund you regardless of how far in advance you cancelled. That said, sometimes a refund can be issued IF you cancel at least a week in advance AND someone takes your spot. If you want to request a refund, message Audrey via Meetup to discuss. Please note, if you cancel the day before or the day of an event, there are refunds - regardless of the reason and regardless if someone takes your spot.
- If you do not agree to the above terms and conditions, do not sign up for the club. There is probably a different club out there that will better meet your needs.
Happy reading and adventuring!
- Audrey
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- NOVEL: We are All the Same in the Dark ADVENTURE: Franklin Inst. - Body VitalFranklin Institute Science Museum, Philadelphia, PA$35.00
Join Audrey at the Franklin Institute for a unique stroll through the human body. That's right - we're going to explore the new exhibit - Body Vital a "captivating exhibition featur[ing] real human specimens...." We'll pair our exploration with a BYO lunch discussion of We are All the Same in the Dark, a thriller in which the author "paints unforgettable portraits of a woman and a girl who redefine perceptions of physical beauty and strength." The novel is our March Member Choice Book for the theme: "Strength in Differences"
Fee: $35 (this is a group price for our book club - regular price would be $47!).It covers museum entrance and entrance to the special exhibit - Body Vital. It also covers reservation of our own room for BYO lunch discussion. Limit is 30. First pay goes.
HOW TO PAY: Use Friends and Family! Do not use the business option because it charges a service fee. Please note the event name or date on your payment. If your payment name is different than your Meetup name please make sure you note your Meetup name.
Venmo - @audrey-Heller1 (phone ends in 4478)
PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/AudreyBugADVENTURE: Franklin Institute and Entrance to Body Vital
222 N 20th St, Philadelphia, PA 19103
We're going to explore the newest exhibit, Body Vital and then we can head over to the Body Odyssey exhibit and the iconic Giant Heart.We'll go on an immersive journey through the intricacies of the human body, exploring how its inner workings interact with the world around us to achieve balance in life, well-being and happiness. We'll see firsthand how the latest technology and data push the boundaries of medicine and human performance that make our differences our strengths.
Parking: Onsite parking is limited and $25 per vehicle. 271 North 21st Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
12:15pm LUNCH: BYO
I've reserved a room at the Institute for us to eat together and discuss the paired book. You can bring your own lunch (store it in the room - but no refrigerator or microwave so please plan accordingly).NOVEL: We are All the Same in the Dark by Julia Heaberlin
Genre: Thriller
It’s been a decade since Trumanell Branson disappeared, leaving only a bloody handprint behind. Her pretty face still hangs like a watchful queen on the posters on the walls of the town’s Baptist church, the police station, and in the high school. They all promise the same thing: We will find you. Meanwhile, Tru’s brother, Wyatt, lives as a pariah in the desolation of the old family house, cleared of wrongdoing by the police but tried and sentenced in the court of public opinion and in a new documentary about the crime.When Wyatt finds a lost girl dumped in a field of dandelions, making silent wishes, he believes she is a sign. The town’s youngest cop, Odette Tucker, believes she is a catalyst that will ignite a seething town still waiting for its own missing girl to come home. But Odette can’t look away. She shares a wound that won’t close with the mute, one-eyed mystery girl. And she is haunted by her own history with the missing Tru.
Desperate to solve both cases, Odette fights to save the lost girl in the present and to dig up the shocking truth about a fateful night in the past—the night her friend disappeared, the night that inspired her to become a cop, the night that wrote them all a role in the town’s dark, violent mythology.Happy Reading!
Housekeeping!- Here are the Club’s Basic Rules and Liability Release. You should read them because by signing up for an event you agree to them! 🙂
- Some links above are affiliate links which means when you use them to buy your book they help support the club at no cost to you!
-------------------The below is silly babble just for the Meetup algorithm - no need for book club members to read this!-------------------------------
Museum tours with socializing book club members in Philadelphia are such a fun way to meet new friends and be social with book loving book club members who like to read and explore authors, house tours, museums and other walking tours and try new activities such as hiking, reading, craft, hobbies, book clubs and more! It's especially fun for a book club to go on indoor tours and outdoor and indoor adventures with all the book club friends who like to socializ explore and try new hobbies. Body Odysseey and Franklin Institute Novels Books Book Club museum visits. - Little Free Library Book Club Crawl #4 - MediaOcean City Coffee Company, Media, PA
Let's meet up in Media! Join Christina and Audrey on The Novel Tourist Book Club's 4th Little Free Library Crawl, this time in "Everybody's Hometown." Did you know Media is the only suburban town with a trolley running right down the main street? Talk about charm!
LFL Crawl #4: Media- We've plotted out a delightful, fairly flat 1.2 mile loop featuring five Little Free Libraries (LFLs), great coffee, and an indie bookstore finale.
We'll start with coffee (obviously) at Ocean City Coffee, because caffeine is non-negotiable. Then, set off on easy to on our adventure to visit LFLs along the way. The journey ends at Bookish Notions, Media's newest independent bookstore- perfect for browsing, lingering, and maybe justifying one more book purchase.
Afterward, you can explore Media's delightful State Street, packed with unique shops, fantastic food, and an ice cream spot that may require zero justification.
Media isn't just charming- it's also been voted one of the best places to raise a family and holds the title of the first fair trade town in the U.S.! That means local businesses prioritize ethical, sustainable practices- so you can feel extra good about that coffee and bookstore haul.
THIS NOT A GUIDED CRAWL- it's a self-paced, go with the flow adventure. Gather with book club friends, follow the simple route, and enjoy!
Come for the books, stay for the small-town charm. See you in Media!
Details: LFL Crawl #4 Media
- Starting: Ocean City Coffee, 34 W. State Street
- Ending point: Bookish Notions, 11 E. State Street
- Distance: 1.2 miles (mostly flat easy strolling)
- A book (new or used) or two to stock the LFLs
- A bag to collect books or thrift purchases
- NOTE: Fun facts- one LFL focuses on science and one is dedicated to children's books
Parking: There's a lot at 346 W Baker St and a garage at 164 S Olive St. Off street parking is plentiful, but State Street can be a bit of a parking circus- so maybe skip that street. Parking is $1.50/hour (some kiosks, some old-school meters).
Public Transport: You can take the trolley from 69th Street Station (because Media = trolley magic). There is also a Media Train Station (about a 10 minute walk to Ocean City Coffee, this part does include a hill).
- Here are the Club’s Basic Rules and Liability Release. You should read them because by signing up for an event you agree to them! 🙂
- Some links above are affiliate links which means when you use them to buy your book they help support the club at no cost to you!
~ Christina
-------------------The below is silly babble just for the algorithm - no need for book club members to read this!-------------------------------
Walking tours through Philadelphia neighborhoods is such a fun way to make new friends and be social with book loving book club members who like to read and explore urban areas and try new activities such as hiking, reading, craft, hobbies, museums and more! It's especially fun for a book club to go on outdoor and indoor adventures with all the book club friends who like to explore and try new hobbies. - Book Club STAGE and STORY:“Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime”Old Academy Players Theatre, Philadelphia, PA$25.00
Join Audrey at Old Academy Players in East Falls to watch the live production of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. After the play, we'll discuss and compare the play and the book of the same name!
Limit 20. First pay, first go. (Pay Audrey, details below)
I’ll buy the tickets under one reservation. They’ve reserved a section of seats just for us.
HOW TO PAY: Use Friends and Family! Do not use the business option because it charges a fee. Please note the event name or date on your payment.
Tickets: Only $25!
Venmo - @audrey-Heller1 (phone ends in 4478)
PayPal - https://www.paypal.me/AudreyBugTHE STAGE:
Theater: Old Academy Players (East Falls, Philadelphia)
Show Time: 2:00pmTony Award winning play The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time follows 15-year-old Christopher. Christopher has a brilliant mind but is ill-equipped to interpret the social dynamics of everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road and has an inherent distrust of strangers. At 12:07 AM Christopher finds himself beside his neighbor’s dead dog, Wellington, who has been speared with a garden fork. Finding himself under suspicion, Christopher is determined to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington, and he carefully records each fact of the crime. His detective work, forbidden by his father, takes him on a thrilling journey that upturns his entire world.
Early Dinner: Taqueria Cresta
Menu: Mexican
3743 Midvale Ave, Phila, 19129
267-297-7382THE STORY: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon
Genre: fiction - March's Online Book Club Discussion: “We Are All the Same in the Dark”Link visible for attendees
The results are in! The Member Choice book club book for March’s "Strength in Difference" theme is We are All the Same in the Dark.
This is our online book club discussion night (last Monday of each month). Stay tuned for the paired in person event!
BOOK: We are All the Same in the Dark by Julia Heaberlin
Genre: ThrillerIt’s been a decade since Trumanell Branson disappeared, leaving only a bloody handprint behind. Her pretty face still hangs like a watchful queen on the posters on the walls of the town’s Baptist church, the police station, and in the high school. They all promise the same thing: We will find you. Meanwhile, Tru’s brother, Wyatt, lives as a pariah in the desolation of the old family house, cleared of wrongdoing by the police but tried and sentenced in the court of public opinion and in a new documentary about the crime.
When Wyatt finds a lost girl dumped in a field of dandelions, making silent wishes, he believes she is a sign. The town’s youngest cop, Odette Tucker, believes she is a catalyst that will ignite a seething town still waiting for its own missing girl to come home. But Odette can’t look away. She shares a wound that won’t close with the mute, one-eyed mystery girl. And she is haunted by her own history with the missing Tru.
Desperate to solve both cases, Odette fights to save the lost girl in the present and to dig up the shocking truth about a fateful night in the past—the night her friend disappeared, the night that inspired her to become a cop, the night that wrote them all a role in the town’s dark, violent mythology.
In this twisty psychological thriller, Julia Heaberlin paints unforgettable portraits of a woman and a girl who redefine perceptions of physical beauty and strength.
Happy Reading!