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What we’re about

** Please Read the Terms of Membership below before you request to Join this group **

About Us: The OC Singles Fun Life Meetup group is a group that was established on May 28, 2024. Our group is for Singles who live or work in Orange County, California and vicinity; and for people who are 45 years to 100 years young looking to enhance their social lives, meet with existing friends, and establish new connections and friendships. This is a Social Group for singles to make friends and socialize. If a friendship develops into relationship, then you have our blessing. This is also a private Meetup group. Our events and your membership are hidden from public view and non-members. Only members of this group are able to view our Meetup group’s full contents, events and members.

Our Mission: Our mission is to create Fun Social Activities and Events where we can enjoy the fellowship of other people and develop and maintain healthy connections and friendships. Events may include dining, hiking, walks in the park, picnics, taco Tuesday, a celebration, attending fairs and festivals, parades, live music events, online Zoom video events, tea and coffee, wine tasting, boards games, Christian events, volunteering, watching sports, car shows, happy hour, day trips, watching movies, day at the beach, train rides, and other social events. We also are open to your ideas and suggestions for events.
We Need Event Organizers: We value your ideas for events, so we encourage you to become an event organizer. For a meetup group to be of value and to grow, creative organizers for the group are necessary. Membership dues are waived for Event Organizers.

Terms of Membership – Updated 12/08/2024
These Terms of Membership are placed for the safety and security of our members, to protect them from scammers, disrupters, stalkers, and predators. The Terms of Membership also prevent these type of people from attending, participating, and disrupting events. These Terms of Membership also preserve the quality of the group and events; and ensure that members the follow these policies.

  1. Safety & Security Policy: We must be able to identify all members, so our members must have a current, clear, unobscured profile photo of themselves (NO SUNGLASSES, no hats, no scarves, no group shots, no blurry photo, no animals, no nature scenes, or anything that would prevent us from identifying you). Also, no shirtless, or sexually provocative profile photos. Profile names must be your real first name (no titles, nicknames, abbreviations, letters or numbers). Your Meetup group memberships to must be unhidden before you submit your request to join this group. After you become a member, you can re-hide your group memberships.
  2. Your Location Policy: This group is located in Orange County, Southern California. People who live or work in Orange County, and work or live in the vicinity within 17 miles from Orange County (L.A. County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and North San Diego County) may join this group. People will be declined membership if you are outside the 17-mile range, out of state, out of the country, in another area outside the counties mentioned above, or on a military base outside the continental United States.
  3. RSVP / No Show Policy: Everyone who attends an event must RSVP and be on the "Going" list to attend. Those who are on the "Waiting List" or not on the "Going" list, will not be able to sit with the group unless there is an opening. Please keep in mind that when someone RSVP’s for an event, they are counted as an attendee. No shows create problems when making reservations at restaurants and venues. If you can’t attend or change your mind, please update your RSVP to “Not Going”, or notify the Host via text message or Meetup. Members who violate this policy will be removed from the group. Occasionally confirmation may be requested even if you already have RSVP’d. This is so that we can have an accurate head count for our reservation with a venue. Those who do not confirm will be moved to “Not Going”. What this means is that you can still go to the venue on your own, but not sit with the group. Please have your Meetup notifications turned on and have access to your email for notifications. For help from Meetup, please visit this link:
  4. Sexual Harassment/ Stalking Policy: Sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated. This includes unsolicited physical contact (touching) without the other person’s consent, making suggestive verbal comments, leering, telling sexual jokes, using explicit language, and stalking. Stalking includes unsolicited communication via Meetup messaging (email), attending an event specifically to pursue, harass, annoy, taunt, or contact a specific person or people. Anyone who sexually harasses or stalks another member will be removed from the group. Sexual crimes will be reported to the police. If you are harassed, stalked or receive an unsolicited message on Meetup from another member, please notify the group organizer.
  5. Health Policy: We request that if you’re not feeling well, have symptoms of any contagious disease (cold, flu, Covid, cough, sniffles, etc.) we respectfully ask that you not attend this event to prevent the possible spread of infection.
  6. Discussion Policy: As a good practice, we request that our members refrain from discussing "hot" topics that will create arguments, disruptions, or discord. Examples are discussing or debating about politics, religion, other member’s personal beliefs, Covid-19, current wars, or any other "hot" topic that would disrupt the group or an event. Profanity (AKA cussing, cursing) is also prohibited. We ask that everyone respect the privacy of this group’s members. As a good practice, we request that members refrain from promoting their business. If you would like to promote an event, then please ask the Group Organizer if you can promote it, and possibly host that event with this group.
  7. Fees and Dues: STARTING DECEMBER 17, 2024, WE WIIL START CHARGING ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES. annual Membership dues will be $20 per person per year, plus a $5 Meetup processing fee, for a total of $25 per year. These dues help cover the following costs: The costs of a venue, printing signs, organizer's time to schedule and find fun events, the Meetup organizers annual Meetup subscription (now at $300 per year), and other related costs, which is a small price that allows you to enjoy an event filled with entertainment, fun, adventure, and friends. Event Organizers are exempt from annual dues. People with specific circumstances may also be exempt from annual dues, to be determined by an case by case basis. If a member decides to leave the group, or is removed for violating the Terms of Membership, the Annual Dues are not refundable.
  8. Questions Concerns, and Suggestions: I as your group organizer welcome all your questions, concerns, and suggestions.

Disclaimer: By RSVPing and attending events you (the member) agree to attend at your own risk. The group’s organizer(s), assistant organizer(s), event organizer(s) or group member(s) are not responsible, or assume liability for any injury, loss, damage, harassment to your own person (health, mental, physical, covid-19) or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or property (vehicle, clothing, jewelry, accessories, electronic devices, etc.), arising directly, indirectly or as a consequence from a group activity (event). With that said, we do take compassion and consideration for your well-being and situation, in that we are here to assist you in any way possible if any of the above happens. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an "at will" basis.

Thank you,
Albert Lucero
Group Organizer