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What we’re about

Here is our Facebook group:

Odds and Ends: A Book Club

Odds - weird, experimental, speculative, or unclassifiable fiction.

Ends - apocalyptic and dystopian fiction, ghost stories, reanimations, cosmic horror.

Focus on mind-bending science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

Structure: The first book will be Exhalation by Ted Chiang, which is in the Odds category. The next book will be voted on and will be in the Ends category. The month after will be Odds, and so on. If the book you put forward is chosen, you are in charge of leading that month's discussion.

We'll be meeting on the 3rd Sunday of every month starting January 19th 2025 at a local (Vista, CA) and awesome mead and cider place, 4-6pm.

I will have PDFs or EPUBs of every chosen book that I will share with members (will upload to the Facebook group OR send me a message on Meetup to request the file), which can then be sent to your respective Kindle or e-reader.

Strong preference for employing e-readers or physical copies versus audiobooks to make passages easy to find and reference for discussion.

Let's make this happen! Stay weird!