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What we’re about

RVA Works connects, inspires, educates, and empowers entrepreneurs!

RVA Works holds public events, provides cohort-based business acceleration. Through our Open Trellis technology emerging entrepreneurs attend educational events, receive business advice, credit counseling, and referrals to lenders.

RVA Works is also a promotional partner for 1 Million Cups events, a national program of the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation that is designed to help entrepreneurs identify opportunities and overcome challenges.

In Richmond, Virginia 1 Million Cups is hosted by the Robins School of Business, University of Richmond, and pro bono events are offered on a hybrid basis to benefit those outside of our region.

Weekly speakers include entrepreneurs and those creating systems that support them. Speakers share their individual stories and motivation, their business model, and their growth strategy. Plus, attendees work to find ways that we can help the speaker.

Entrepreneurship provides society a way to change the economy and cultivate social impact through inclusion. The entrepreneurs who participate in our programming span industry sector, experience and education level, age groups, and ethnicity.

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Upcoming events (1)

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  • Mike Rabin & Pollinators for Change
    Robins School of Business, Richmond, VA
    • Photo of Dale Fickett
    • Photo of Ian Young
    • Photo of Mark M. Deutsch