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What we’re about

Relationship problems can stress us to the max: arguments, bad communication, divorce, infidelity, lack of appreciation. Relationships are hard. Is your partner withdrawing but you don’t know why? Need help with your relationship? Whether it is romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction, your life depends on who you relate with, or money and intimacy issues can spin us in circles.

Good or bad relationships can determine our happiness. They affect our levels of confidence and success. Even our health is compromised by our interactions. Right? How might your life be enhanced if you knew the secrets to repairing and elevating ANY relationship to bring about increased happiness and success? Misunderstandings can strain a relationship,
trust issues: distrust, dishonesty, and infidelity or even divorce.

Can something really be done about it? Yes.

Our free on-line Meet Up will cover topics such as:

• Married the person of your dreams but now it’s a mess - is there a fix?
• How to get out of the “you’re wrong -- blame, shame and regret” trap
• How to overcome depression and feelings of failure caused by past associations with the wrong people.
• Why and how do the negative emotions of others affect you?
• Why past betrayals or losses can be affecting your current relationship in hidden ways
• How to overcome shyness, lack of confidence or mistrust (in oneself or others).
• What underlies “corrosive criticism” and how to not be the effect of it.

Our meetup will provide a safe environment in which to learn, without fear of judgment or criticism, and without the recommendation of harmful mental techniques or therapies, how you can get yourself onto a happier & more successful path: in love & in life.

We look forward to having you join us!

This group is sponsored by the Dianetics & Scientology Life Improvement Center of Sunland.

Upcoming events (2)

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