Are you passionate about the gaming industry? Do you work with Console, PC or Mobile Games, or consider yourself a gaming enthusiast? Oxford Video Game MeetUp is your perfect opportunity to meet like-minded people across the gaming world.
18:30 - Doors open, drinks and networking 🍻
19:00 - Talk #1 from Jacki Vause
19:30 - Break
19:45 - Talk #2 from Simon Byron
20:15 - Any other business, chance for 1 minute pitches 📢
21:00 - Close
Talk #1: Jacki Vause
Muti channel communications: Getting the foundations right
Jacki heads up communications group Six Cygnets Ltd. Through the group’s specialist videogames PR agency Dimoso she has worked with games companies of all sizes in the videogames industry: Clients have included AppLovin, Warner, Rovio, Jam City, Elex, Zynga, Playstack, and Pixel Federation. Dimoso’s most recent PR success is Balatro, an indie phenomenon that is currently sweeping up the awards and winning hearts and minds of players.
Jacki is well known on the games industry events speaker circuit and hosts the UK’s most popular PR Podcast The Rest is PR.
Jacki’s talk will focus on how getting the basics right in building the foundations of your communications can help you achieve your business objectives. She will take you through the importance of messaging, mission, vision and values. common communication pitfalls, and also how to navigate the various communications channels and tools available to today’s marketer.
Talk #2: Simon Byron
Why Wishlist's Don't Mean Anything - AKA Indie Publishing is not a science.
In this updated look at his celebrated Develop conference talk, Simon Byron takes a look at the correlation between pre-launch wishlists and actual sales across three years' worth of Yogscast Games titles.
Simon is an award-winning Publishing Director with a proven track record in acquisitions, business development, and sales. Since joining Yogscast in 2021, he has helped drive nearly 900% growth in Steam sales and a 3,500% increase in revenue, pioneering a unique creator- and community-led publishing model.
Prior to this, Simon transformed Curve Digital, boosting PC digital sales by 668% in his first year and signing major titles like Human: Fall Flat and The Ascent.
Simon’s industry success includes numerous awards, such as Publishing Hero (2017) and Indie Games Publisher of the Year (2018). Previously, he led PR for global hits like Batman Arkham and Guitar Hero. A co-author and co-host of the One Life Left radio show, Simon is deeply passionate about gaming.