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What we’re about

A book club for lovers of the written word to come together over pots of afternoon tea (and coffee) for relaxed discussion, disection and deconstruction of their favourite readings.
This group aims to help all of us get that much more out of each reading experience.
Open to all humans over 18.
You can also find us on Facebook at

Click here to check out our current reading list for January - December 2013!

How does a book club work?
A book club generally takes the following format:

  1. Members are all given a certain amount of time to read one chosen book - say, a month.
  2. After that, we get together to discuss the book - for instance, its themes, characters, plot, style, etc. - and what we may have each gotten out of reading it.
  3. The process is to help develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the novel being discussed. Generally, these discussions are meant to be enjoyable and stimulating!
  4. Rinse and repeat :)

How is the Paperback Book Club different from other book clubs?

  1. We'd like our discussions to be relaxed and accessible to all - not necessarily only those with English Literature degrees! Understanding and appreciation of the written word should be for everyone.
  2. We have (or plan to have) our meetings over lovely afternoon tea spreads. This way, we can combine two of life's fundamental pleasures - books and tea!

For the PBC's FAQs, click here.

If you're interested in joining us, just RSVP for the next scheduled meetup and we'll see you there!