Lets face it patriots, we're of an "age" where everyday can show us new aches and pains that we didn't know we owned!. An overhaul of Medicine and big pharma is definitely on the horizon! Practicing is expected to be extremely different than the Rx pad and scalpels! Many new technologies have been showing up in the marketplace over the last couple of years and most recently many prototypes using Tesla's patents. This will be a very informative seminar.
The universe is made up over 90% Electric plasma Energy along with hydrogen, electrons, protons, atoms and all the other finer elements that make up this universe, it makes sense that the physical body can restore itself in the presence of a concentrated Electric magnetic plasma field.
Electric Energy field generators are not new, has been around for a long time, in the 1920s has been used in many hospitals for treating almost any kind of ailments. Nikola Tesla, Raymond Rife and many others therapist use electric energy plasma fields in their clinics.