What we’re about
The Mission of a Toastmasters Club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth.
As the President, I am honored to have the opportunity to tell you about our club. Poway-Black Mountain Toastmasters is one of the oldest continuous clubs in San Diego County having formed more than 43 years ago. We have a broad range of members from very experienced Distinguished Toastmasters to new members giving their very first speech. Regardless of their experience level, all our members are friendly and supportive, providing encouragement to each other.
We are always open to adding new members into the club. New members gain public speaking skills while experienced members enhance their leadership skills. Above all we have fun! I hope you will come and join us as a welcomed guest and see what we’re all about. Don’t forget to bring your sense of humor!
Best regards
Alex Shadpour, President
Meeting Open to the Public (858) 848-0850
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