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What we’re about

Photogami Paper Trail is a group for making new friends who like the outdoors along with the big city...

Membership within Photogami Paper Trail will enable you to meet and socialize with other hiking enthusiasts that enjoy true hiking through nature's splendor without drama.

This group's objective is to explore and experience all types of trails from the beaches, mountains & deserts of Southern California and beyond...

We conduct a great variety of hikes that range from beginner to advanced skill levels.

The majority of our hikes are located within Southern California, but we also hike in other destinations as well.

Most importantly, rather than just settling for excellent hiking adventures, we have


The fine print:

It is a MANDATORY requirement for each member of this group to have a current, "recognizable photograph" of themselves uploaded as one of the pictures contained "within" their member profile for identification by organizers.


Events may be cancelled if there are fewer than 5 members signed up.

It is your responsibility to check events you are signed up for, and any of your notifications, for event updates & adjust your status accordingly.

You may be removed from the club if you have too many “not goings” or a “no show” in your attendance.

Also, it is not necessary to RSVP "Not Going" to an event if you are not going or have no intention of going. If you are already signed up for an event and your plans change, then changing your RSVP is understandable. We hope you will be able to make the next event.

Do not sign up for multiple same day trails or events just to assure yourself a spot until you decide to make a decision, at your leisure, on which event to attend.

If an event has limited openings, such as with a permit trail, the individual concerned may be taking a spot away from someone who would really want to go.

This type of behaviour is considered bad form & is cause for removal from the club.

No Shows:

No shows will be removed from the club immediately, if not sooner.

Event organizers put a lot of time and effort into arranging events.

If you decide not to go to an event, change your status accordingly.

Cancelling just prior to the start of an event or not showing up at all is cause for immediate removal from the club.


You must have a valid email so that an organizer may be able to contact you through the "meetup site".

You must be as least 18 years of age to join the club.


These are "at your own risk" events on lands accessible to the general public.
By joining any "Photogami Paper Trail" events: YOU are responsible for your conduct and safety and agree to free the event organizer, Photogami Paper Trail, any other organizers and agents associated with the club from any and all liability.

Potogami Paper Trail is on facebook...

We look forward to meeting you !!!