What we’re about
Join Us! - Anyone who wants to enjoy - delicious - colorful plant based food! - Our Meetup postings will be about delicious meal ideas and recipes. Our food meetups will be: eating at favorite restaurants that offer delicious plant based food - salad lunches - food tastings - theme dinners - potlucks and picnics. Our fun events will be hiking, other activities, movies or community events - with eating delicious plant based food - before or after - the event.
The photo for our *Plant Based Food Friends* group - represents - our goal of meetup members being a group of fun *friends* who are happy, healthy, naturally younger looking (colorful plant based food benefits) and enjoy eating together - delicious - plant based food!
Our Meetups will provide support for the plant based diet that is best for the body and our Earth, which is the grain-free and legume-free plant based diet. Why? - Grain and legume based food requires - deforested land - for crops. Warning - U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/08/08/748416223/to-slow-global-warming-u-n-warns-agriculture-must-change - "Deforestation - contributes to global warming, and reversing it will be necessary to avoid catastrophic climate change.(How?) ...significantly increase the amount of land that's covered in trees and other vegetation..."
What can people do? - Eat food from trees (fruit, nuts) and vegetables that can be grown together, for example - Alley Cropping: https://www.fs.usda.gov/nac/assets/documents/workingtrees/infosheets/WT_Info_alley_cropping.pdf
A Healthy Body - Grain-Free, Legume-Free Plant Based Diet
Dr. Herbert Shelton, N.D., Author - Superior Nutrition:
"In fresh fruit, greens, vegetables, nuts are - ALL - the vitamins, minerals, proteins and other substances the human body needs to - BRING - it to a state of - PHYSICAL PERFECTION - and to MAINTAIN it in that state – INDEFINITELY”
See our our associate colorful plant based diet Meetup support groups:
* LOOK 30 Diet - Age 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s+ - In the - What we're about - section of the website are links to FREE Recipes, a FREE Weekly Meal Planner and Success Stories. See the Meetup website: https://www.meetup.com/look-30-diet-carmel/
* LOOK 30 Women - Age 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s+ - See the Meetup website: https://www.meetup.com/look-30-women-age-40s-50s-60s-70s/
Please tell your friends and family they are welcome to join us!
Kay Star - Meetup Organizer - Plant Based Food Friends