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What we’re about

“Le vin est de l’eau emplie de soleil!” (Wine is water filled with sunshine!)

Wine has played an integral role throughout human history, bringing individuals and cultures closer together through social interactions. More than just a pleasant beverage, wine compels us to quietly reflect on the events of a long day, just as easily as it revels in our celebrations with family and friends. Perhaps wine’s greatest attribute is its ability to act as a social lubricant, to help people feel more comfortable and less awkward in new social settings.

With this goal in mind, we invite you to join in an exploration of the wonderful world of wine. Each month we will explore the history of wine, the science and art of winemaking, and the diversity of flavors and aromas to be found in over 1,200 varieties of wine grapes! And because wine has historically been regarded as an accompaniment to good food, we will frequently pair the wines being tasted with a selection of artisanal cheeses and fruit.

Regardless of whether you are a wine “newbie” or a master sommelier, there’s always something new to be shared and experienced when tasting wine with friends, or better yet, friends-to-be! We look forward to greeting some of our new neighbors at the kick-off meeting in June, and each month thereafter. Check the Wine Explorers calendar for additional dates and details.
