Please note Wednesday’s meeting is online.
A link to the meeting will be provided after registration.
Meeting starts at 6:55am sharp
Zoom doors open at 6:35am
You’ll have an opportunity after the meeting to say your name, business, and who invited you. This is typically just short & sweet to tell us who you are. Don’t forget to bring business cards to pass out. Our members love to know who our visitors are to help you grow your business. Our members have 35 seconds each to give their weekly “pitch”. This is a great time to listen for anyone you’d like to connect with or to consider our members in your future referrals.
The members will be called to give testimonials and referrals (20 sec each).
At this time, a few visitors will be called on to give their impression of the meeting. If you’re called on, please provide your name, business name & a quick impression of the meeting.
At the end of the meeting, visitors are in a breakout room to have any questions answered. When you leave the room and re-join the meeting, please stay for open networking! This is a great opportunity to reach out to the people on your radar who might be good referral partners.
I look forward to seeing you Wednesday! Please feel free to reach out if you’d have any questions or need anything. I’m always happy to help.