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What we’re about

Professional Photographers of Santa Clara Valley (PPSCV) is a non-profit organization whose objectives and purposes include the advancement of photography as an art and as a profession.

If you’re already a professional photographer, or an aspiring one, and are in the greater San Jose area please consider attending one of our monthly meetings.   You'll meet great people who share your passion for photography.  We are an association of professional photographers with a  variety of experience and interest in the field.    We have a guest speaker each month, speaking on many different aspects of this profession.   You'll learn how to take great photos, as well as how to actually make a living as a photographer.   We look forward to meeting you at our next meeting.  After you've attended a meeting, you'll see the benefit of membership.

We'd love for you to become a member of PPSCV and get involved in the association.  We have lots of opportunities for you to make a difference, both in your business and in the profession as a whole.  See you soon.

If you have questions about PPSCV, please feel free to email.


We look forward to meeting you!

There is a $25 guest fee for PPSCV monthly meetings for non-members.  Save $5 if you pay in advance vial PayPal.  Please see the payment link on each meeting announcement.

Monthly meetings are always free for PPSCV members.

Upcoming events (1)

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