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What we’re about

The Yoga Womb at Sea Change Holistic Wellness Center offers pregnant and parenting moms a safe and nurturing place to explore yoga and to deepen the connection with themselves, with community and with their baby. The Yoga Womb is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School with RPYT teachers.

Why Practice Yoga?
The practice of yoga in pregnancy and parenthood encourages women to embrace their innate wisdom enabling empowered parenthood from the womb to the wonder years.
Yoga helps parents and children openly explore the mind, body, and spirit. Using a three-pronged approach good classes help women to increase their sense of well-being, while addressing the common aches and sensations of pregnancy and the postnatal body so students feel better each day; foster a compassionate community of friendship and support; and integrate childbirth education and parenting skills into classes to help the mother be more prepared and empowered for labor, delivery and motherhood.
Most healthcare professionals fully support women practicing yoga during pregnancy and beyond because they realize the countless benefits it has for the mamas-to-be and how it aids in a successful and safe birthing experience. Pre/Postnatal classes are appropriate and safe for all stages of pregnancy and practice and is a beautiful place for a beginner to commence their parenting and yoga journey.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that anything that turns our attention to ourselves is going to be healing for the body and really good for the baby
Classes include:
•  The ABC’s x 2: Awareness and Acceptance, Breath and Balance, and Connection and Concentration
•  Postures & sequences for each trimester of pregnancy, along with contraindications
•  Pregnancy and postnatal A&P
•  Postures that heal common discomforts
•  Emotional changes of birth and parenting
•  Fostering a deeper parent-child bond
•  Meditations and chants
•  Pelvic floor strengthening
•  Childbirth preparation

Benefits of Prenatal Yoga:
•  Prepares mom for labor and delivery
•  Strengthen connection with self and baby
•  Reduce stress and anxiety
•  Enhance mood and decrease depression
•  Improve sleep
•  Stay in shape and increase the strength, flexibility and endurance of muscles needed for childbirth
•  Decrease lower back pain, sciatica, nausea, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, shortness of breath and more
•  Decrease the risk of preterm labor, pregnancy-induced hypertension and intrauterine growth restriction — a condition that slows baby's growth
•  Helps attune mom to her body and her needs
Benefits of Postnatal/Baby and Me Yoga:
•  Gives focused time to bond and spend quality time together without distractions
•  Time to meet other parents, discuss childcare issues, swap tips and feel supported by peers
•  Enjoy poses to stretch and calm baby with playfully interactive postures
•  Yoga encourages baby’s natural development, aid digestion, strengthens their body while bringing balance and peace to your lives
•  Mom practices a full flow with baby-in-arm
•  Learn about the postnatal body, common discomforts and how yoga can help
•  Infant massage and partner breathing are also a part of this practice
"What a child learns in the womb,
cannot be learned here on earth." ~Yogi Bajan~

Sea Change Holistic Wellness Center
131 S. Smith St
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
Find us on Instagram & Facebook

Please reach out with QUESTIONS about Pre/Postnatal Yoga, Baby & Me Yoga, to book a private session or a baby blessing.

Pre/Postnatal Yoga Classes at Sea Change
Mondays: 7:30-8:30pm
Tuesdays: 5:30-6:30pm
Thursdays: 10-11am
Saturdays: 9:30-10:45am

Baby & Me Yoga Class at Sea Change
Thursdays 11:30-12:30pm

1st Class FREE!

*Pre-registration Required 2 hours in advance.

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