Join us at the FREE Writers' Oasis
The FREE Writers' Oasis is a one hour, Safe Space seminar dedicated to providing an optimal environment to unleash your creative expression.
In the FREE Writers' Oasis, you can connect with your own unique inner writer, and you can discover your most authentic voice.
Do you feel you could benefit from participating in a writers' collective?
Does your gut tell you that you would get more writing done if you were accountable to a writer’s group?
Do you procrastinate about writing because you are afraid that you are not good enough?
- Have you been told that you have a book inside of you?
- Do you feel that you have a story to tell?
- Do you have an inkling that you have been called to write but you don't know how to get started or you're not quite sure what to say or you just can't seem to stay consistent with your writing?
- Were you ever told by a teacher, family member, friend or some authority that you can't write? Has that mortal wound prevented you from even trying to write, but you still have a inner calling to try to learn how to write?
- Do you have an intuitive feeling that a writing group would give you the support, encouragement, feedback, camaraderie and connection that you need to flourish as a writer?
- Do you already write for a specific industry but are looking to expand your writing into other arenas?
- Would you like to be liberated from your writers block?
Do you aspire to be:
An Author?
Children's Book Writer?
Screen Writer?
Script Writer,
Song Lyricist?
Copy Writer?
Ghost Writer?
Public Speaker?
Stand Up Comic?
TED Talk Presenter?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions, then the FREE Writers' Oasis is perfect for you.
In a SAFE, supportive, positive, JUDGE FREE and CRITIC FREE Space dive into the art of creative writing.
Yes, you read that correctly: the Writers' Oasis is a JUDGE FREE and CRITIC FREE Space, but you might be thinking: "wait a minute isn't my writing supposed to be criticised?"
The answer is that your writing should NOT be criticised in the early phase of the writing process. Based on current research and neuroscience the early stages of writing should not be judged!
The question you might be asking now is: "How can I get good at writing if I am never given constructive criticism?
That is an excellent question and you will discover the answer below, but do read on.
In the Writers' Oasis participants will be lead through a soft gaze or optional closed eyes, brief guided meditation that relaxes your nervous system, centers your heart and clears your mind. You will find yourself dropping into the present moment and the mystical portals to the creative process and your inspired imagination open up giving you the freedom and the power to mine your own vein of gold. Through this signature process unique to the Writers' Oasis you will find yourself in the zone where ideas just flow, and words seamlessly pour onto the page.
The writing session is timed and then volunteers are invited to read what they wrote. Only POSITIVE feedback is offered specifically about the writing. We focus on what is working opposed to cutting you off at the knees with criticism. In the Writers' Oasis there are very specific rules about the way positive feedback is given.
In the optimal and safe environment of the Writers' Oasis, you will discover that you can in fact write, you do in fact have something to say and you should feel empowered and excited to want to continue to write more.
Over time, with consistent practice and by participating in the Writers' Oasis, you will be able to make objective observations about how to improve your own writing, you will be able to glean inspiration from other styles of writing, you will be able to trust your own voice while simultaneously producing more written material for what ever project you feel inspired to write for or write about.
Sound Good?
Read on......
The Writers' Oasis is facilitated by Debra Lovemore. She is a published author, storyteller and public speaker. Most importantly Debra Lovemore has been successfully teaching acting, storytelling, public speaking and creative writing for over 3 decades. Debra geeks out on neuroscience and frequently brings neuroscience research into her teaching practice. She is passionate about providing an ideal learning environment so her students can discover the confidence to succeed.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, so you can gain valuable insights, and elevate your writing skills.
RSVP now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth where you can ultimately flourish as a writer in the FREE Introduction to the Writers' Oasis.
The FREE Writers' Oasis will be offered on:
Time: 12pm to 1pm EST via Zoom.
01/1/25 NEW YEARS DAY!
The FREE Writers' Oasis will run on WEDNESDAYS in FEBRUARY:
Time: 12pm to 1pm EST via Zoom.
The FREE Writers' Oasis will run on WEDNESDAYS in MARCH:
Time: 12pm to 1pm EST via Zoom.