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What we’re about

Princeton Fine Dining is for those who enjoy fine dining and like to share the pleasure with others who enjoy the same! Great food, stimulating conversation, new friends and possibly a good wine to enhance the experience! Life is short – food is good! The dinners range from $50 to over $150, depending on what you order. Please sign up for a meetup only if you are willing to make the commitment. Reservations in a fine dining restaurant cannot always be changed easily or be adjusted to a smaller table on a short notice. Members who reserve a spot and cancel close to the date for a second time will be removed, as will no shows.

Princeton Fine Dining is one of the most successful dining groups on Meetup. Many dining groups are started but most are disbanded within the first 6 months. We have been strong for over 7 years. The reason for that is that I understand what is needed for a successful group. Here is what I know.

When you are opening up a dining to the public you really don’t know who takes a reservation seriously. I have heard from other organizers who have let “first come first in” they wind up with 5-6- people on a reservation of 14. They usually close up the group in months. My system of the waiting has made our group most successful. Here is how I do it:
When anyone signs up for a dinner, they all go on the waiting list. I give preference to those who have attended in the past. I know they will be there, or at least give me 24 hours’ notice if they can’t. Some people do drop out closer to the date. I then message everyone on the waiting list to see who is available. I can’t tell how many times NO ONE gets back to me. This is your opportunity to become someone who has attended one of our dinners. All of our attendees were “newbies” once. It also seems most people remain on the waiting list even though they have no interest in the dinner or have made other plans. I’m an organizer, not a psychic.

I do offer activities with Princeton Fine Dining that are open to everyone. There are no waiting lists for Happy Hours and vineyard events. A case in point, last weekend we have 50 people sign up and only 25 or so showed up. That’s okay with me as no reservations were needed. Could you imagine if only 50% of me diners showed up at a dinner. The restaurant is expecting you.

I do hope everyone understands how our group operates. The most important this is we are a success. It is open to all but if you are on the waiting list you must be available if a spot become open. We love making new friends who enjoy our culinary adventures.

I’m looking forward to great food experiences with new friends. Bon Appétit!

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