What we’re about
We are the Providence chapter for the community-led meetup for devs to get together and professionally grow! Join us as at our events where we share projects, ideas, stories, and of course, coffee. Everyone is welcome, from complete novices to industry professionals with years of experience.
Stay in Touch!
🫱🏾🫲🏼 Community Discord
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📤 LinkedIn
We will be hosting our next C&C session at Rochambeau Library! Join us as we share projects, ideas, stories, and of course, coffee.
We will begin with brief round table introductions and announcements.
We will then open up the space for socializing and focus work. You have the option to bring your own projects to work on, receive help, or to showcase. You are also free to use this time to meet other people and socialize. The choice is completely up to you.
Refreshments and snacks will be provided.
We ask that everyone fill out the feedback sheet before leaving. At our current stage, our agenda is very light. Our goal is to have this space cater to the needs of the community, so your feedback is appreciated.
Stay in Touch!
🫱🏾🫲🏼 Community Discord - let's keep the conversation going!
📷 Instagram
📤 LinkedIn
We will be looking to take photos during the meetup. If you are not comfortable being a part of any pictures, feel free to let any of the organizers know.
Upcoming events (2)
See all- PVD Code & Coffee @ Rochambeau LibraryCommunity Libraries of Providence: Rochambeau Library, Providence, RI
We will be hosting our next C&C session at Rochambeau Library! Join us as we share projects, ideas, stories, and of course, coffee.
We will begin with brief round table introductions and announcements.
We will then open up the space for socializing and focus work. You have the option to bring your own projects to work on, receive help, or to showcase. You are also free to use this time to meet other people and socialize. The choice is completely up to you.
Refreshments and snacks will be provided.
We ask that everyone fill out the feedback sheet before leaving. At our current stage, our agenda is very light. Our goal is to have this space cater to the needs of the community, so your feedback is appreciated.
Stay in Touch!
🫱🏾🫲🏼 Community Discord - let's keep the conversation going!
📷 Instagram
📤 LinkedIn
We will be looking to take photos during the meetup. If you are not comfortable being a part of any pictures, feel free to let any of the organizers know. - PVD Code & Coffee @ Rochambeau LibraryCommunity Libraries of Providence: Rochambeau Library, Providence, RI
We will be hosting our next C&C session at Rochambeau Library! Join us as we share projects, ideas, stories, and of course, coffee.
We will begin with brief round table introductions and announcements.
We will then open up the space for socializing and focus work. You have the option to bring your own projects to work on, receive help, or to showcase. You are also free to use this time to meet other people and socialize. The choice is completely up to you.
Refreshments and snacks will be provided.
We ask that everyone fill out the feedback sheet before leaving. At our current stage, our agenda is very light. Our goal is to have this space cater to the needs of the community, so your feedback is appreciated.
Stay in Touch!
🫱🏾🫲🏼 Community Discord - let's keep the conversation going!
📷 Instagram
📤 LinkedIn
We will be looking to take photos during the meetup. If you are not comfortable being a part of any pictures, feel free to let any of the organizers know.