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What we’re about

Welcome to Queens of Houston! This is a group geared towards helping women (including myself) make friends in a new town!

We are a fun-loving community of women in their 20s, 30s, 40s (in real life or at heart), who are passionate about exploring all that Houston has to offer. Whether it's dining out, engaging in outdoor adventures, or getting creative with crafts and painting, we're here to have a great time. Join us for adventures, including monthly brunches, local events, happy hour drinks, and delicious food. We're all about enjoying quality time and building lasting connections over lively converstions. Looking forward to meeting you soon!

If anyone would like to host an event, message me, and we can make that happen :)

Please keep your RSVPs up to date. Repeat offenders for “no-shows” or changing their RSVP last minute will be removed. Be courteous!