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What we’re about

We ask each member to contribute a non-refundable $10 annual fee to help cover the costs of the Meetup site, incidentals for the meetings and administrative costs for hosting events.  This fee is due after a 30 day trial period your $10 annual dues is paid by cash or Zelle directly to the organizers. (Meetup will send you a notice 7 days before it is due and again the day before as a reminder).   We do 20 to 30 events a month so if you request to join be prepared to be active if that’s what you’re looking for then where the group for you. This group is for friends in the LGBTQA+ community! This is an amazing group that shines because of the members, through friendships & kindness with tons of fun! We care about our members and we are here as a community that support each other in many of life’s journeys. We take trips together,house concerts,game days, movies outside. We are very active with biking, hiking and Pickleball. Please note we are not a dating group. Our group is about making friends and building a fun supportive community that share many fun things to do.
We welcome LGBTQ+ to shine and be who you are.

Our group is open now for new member's, so please be ready to get involved or don't request to join. You could hold up a place for someone else who is wait-listed to join the group. After 60 days of inactivity, you could possibly be removed to make room for someone on the wait-list.
We would love to have you, however, be mindful that many of our events are in the Southeast Valley. Be aware of the distance and the drive time, depending on where you reside. Also the folks in this group are close with one another & are welcoming to all who join. We’re active and we want members who want to participate and be active in the group!
We have a few rules you must follow:
1. We require a current, recognizable photo that clearly shows your face in order to join. PLEASE do not proceed without a photo that clearly shows your face. You may love your grandchildren or children and your pets but we do not want to see them in your photo. Just a clear photo of yourself.
2. All new members are required to attend at least one event at a public venue (i.e. restaurant, bar, concert, etc.) with an organizer present prior to attending an event at an organizer’s home. This is to ensure the safety of everyone in the group. If you RSVP to a private home event and have not been verified by an organizer, you will be removed from the event. Also, if you have not been to any events in over a year, or you will be asked to attend a public event again… these are new times, and we use safety here for our members and our home.
3. You must change your RSVP at least 24 hours or more when you cancel from an event. Repeated failure to do so, could result in being removed from the group.
This not a group that you sign up for events and not show up or cancel at the last minute. Our members are aware of this rule and show courtesy, by not canceling or not showing up at the last minute. By canceling at least 24 hours ahead, it makes room for others to sign up for the event.
Our theme is creating more positivity and happiness in our lives! We are a group of genuine, welcoming adults who are growth-oriented and embrace all. We support local events. NO business networking or soliciting is allowed or tolerated.
We meet a few times a month at restaurants for conversation and fun. Other scheduled activities include movie nights at local theatres, a monthly book club, festivals, happy hour events, concerts, plays, game nights, mini trips, theme nights, Oscar night, poolside movies, hiking, bicycling, the Holiday Party, and more...

We love pictures for our Meet-up site, so if you take photos during our group events, they are for our group Meet-up site only. Photos can be shared with the members in this group. Always, please be respectful of our members. Photos are not to be used on your personal social media sites without permission of the members. No Business Networking allowed!
Welcome and let’s have some fun!!!