What we’re about
✰✰✰ Bring 'em back alive! ✰✰✰
That's the Motto of RRH, and it means the hikes here can be long, can be challenging, but first they are as safe as is reasonable for a region with so much high relief. It's all about being a big strong kid again, and having a nice low-pressure ramble in the Big Blue Room, to the edge of endurance in some cases!
Our hikes typically are 3-8 miles, with hopefully no more than 2000 feet of climb and usually much less. Very often these hikes are entirely cross-country, so they seem longer than they are.
I and the other hike leaders try to make the hike descriptions as direct and accurate as possible, but it is up to the individual to know their limits, and choose hikes that are within their hiking level. This means you. Yes, you. If the hiking's too hard for your level, then train and level up until you can do it! Lots of people do, and the benefits are huge.
Check out the "Pages" for hike ratings explained and other goodies for hiking.
Message from John:
My personal goal for every hike is "Bring 'em back alive!"
After that, it's to have a nice moderately paced hike that often goes on all day and can be quite rough sometimes, oy. Of course, "rough" and "spectacular" are often found together...
As volunteer hike leaders, we are here to make sure everyone is guided on the particular trail and is accounted for in general. We all come onto the trail together, and we all leave together. Hiking with us is like hiking with friends. When we’re on trail, we work as a team, and never leave anyone behind. If we notice people are getting too far ahead or behind, we make sure we stop regularly, regroup, and continue on trail together. In the end, we are a hiking group, and while it is ultimately up to the individual to keep oneself safe, it is up the group to stay together.
There are no dues for membership, period.
However, it does cost $200 per year to maintain a Meetup site (no advertising!) so tips toward that end are appreciated. :)