## Details
🕑 7:00PM - 10:00PM (every Sunday!)
If this is your first time with us, PLEASE FILL OUT THIS SAFETY WAIVER:
🏐 BEGINNERS - We want to grow our skills and love for the game with friendly drills and games :)
*Advanced players who we feel take from the experience or really impact the development & learning for others, we may ask to play elsewhere or in a setting that better fits them.
*Our sports ministry is provided by our church network so we can enjoy the games we love completely free :)
1. Our participant’s safety is our first priority.
A. Do not step under the net during play. Foot violations will result in a stern warning. If violations continue, you will be asked to leave and not come back.
B. Call “ball” when a ball rolls into another court during games.
C. Treat others with kindness and respect. No foul language. We have a zero tolerance policy for bad behavior.
D. Setters get 2nd contact -in games- unless they call “help.” This ensures people don’t run into each other.
2. Attendance: participants who have signed up are expected to show up. If you cannot make it please change your response to “not going” by 12pm the day of the event. Failure to do so will result in a 2 week ban.
A. We start 6v6 games at 8pm. If you are listed as “going” but fail to show up before 8pm your spot will be given away.
B. 6v6 games: 30 participants in total will be allowed to play; 5 teams of 6. From both Renew Church and Meetup sign ups.
C. Sign ups open the Monday prior at 12pm. All spots usually are filled within the first minute.
D. The waitlist will be manually closed once the queue has reached around 7 members.
E. Attendees on the waitlist can join from 7-8pm during drills. If there are available spots for 6v6 games, waitlist attendees will be permitted to play in the order that they signed up.
F. If you are not on the going list or waitlist, please do not show up. You will not be permitted to play.
3. Minors must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian during the entire session.
Basic volleyball skills/knowledge are encouraged but not required.
Please MESSAGE 'Jacob Kim', 'Wynell Paguio', (Volleyball Leaders/Hosts) for any questions!