What we’re about
Do you like taking pictures?
Do you like the idea of learning more about photography?
Are you ALWAYS the one behind the camera and not in front of it?
Would you like to make new friends who love photography as much as you do?
Welcome to RPMG! We meet several times a month to go photograph fun events and places! We talk about equipment, and concepts behind photography, as well as socialize with others who love their cameras as much as you do!
Come join the fun!
Welcome to Richmond Photography Meetup Group
Who We Are:
The Richmond Photography Meetup Group (RPMG) is a social community of photographers, amateur to professional, who want to learn photography, expand their photographic skills and to enjoy recreational and creative opportunities in photography.
What is Expected:
Each member is expected to have a camera. Any camera will do, even a smart phone. Digital cameras are the norm, mostly dslrs and mirrorless with interchangeable lenses. Digital images taken at meet ups should be processed and edited and uploaded to the event album, 20-25 photographs is usually the max. This is how we interact and learn, by commenting on each others images. Film cameras are also welcome, but images need to be posted to the event album for viewing which will require scanning. Upon joining your profile picture should be a recent one where you are recognizable.
Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no”. When you RSVP for a meet up it is very important that you come. You benefit as well as the other participants when you come. Of course, there are times when you cannot make it. Please notify the meet up organizer as soon as possible by RSVP “no” and/or leaving a message. If you really want to attend a meet up event, but are not sure you can, RSVP “yes” but put in the comments “MAYBE”. That way the organizer will accommodate for you but not expect you.
There are three categories of meet ups:
A scheduled meet up is the most common. This meet up is where the is no limit to numbers of attendees, but your attendance is expected by the organizer. Organizers need to know how many people are going to come so they can make plans for that amount of people. If you don’t show up the organizer will be looking for you and will mark you as a “no show”.
This is a meet up where all that is required is that you attend at some point. No meet up place and time is required. They are usually fairs, festivals, parades and the like where making a specific time and location for a group to meet is impractical. If you want to meet up with others at the event the organizer will make a suggested time and place or you can work something out with other attendees.
A limited meet up is where only a certain number of members (paid members only) can come. Due to the nature of the event, such as visiting historical buildings, models shoots, ect, having unlimited attendees is impossible. It is normally a first come first serve sign up for these events and organizers will open the sign ups between the hours of 5pm and 10pm. They may set up the meet up event a few days before and keep RSVP’s closed until a designated time to let people know about the event so they can get ready to sign up when it becomes available. Because of the accommodations and the waiting list a “no show” without valid excuse at a limited meet up could lead to termination of membership.
Manners and respect. We are a diverse group of people. We have people of all ages, genders, races, cultural and religious backgrounds. All people deserve to be treated with kindness, respect and dignity. We are a community. Many people have made life long friendships at RPMG. This is what we are about. In our conduct there is to be no profane talk or abusive behavior allowed. Anyone who engages in verbal or physical abuse or makes unwanted advances will be removed and banned from the group. All organizers reserve the right to remove members if they see fit to do so.
Membership dues:
As of June 7, 2017 the leadership of RPMG voted to charge members $20/per year dues. This covers the cost of using Meetup.com’s web site and enables the organizers to do events that require money up front, such as private and historic buildings, theaters, etc and occasional models. We also have an annual Holiday Party. The fees not only do this but have been effective in making members those who are truly serious about attending meet ups. All money collected will be invested back into RPMG. Upon acceptance as a member there is a 60 day trial period to check out RPMG and decide if you like it before making a commitment to pay dues. Payment should be made within that time period if member decides to join.