What we’re about
Welcome to the Royersford Networking for Vegans/Vegetarians Meetup Group! This group is for vegetarians and vegans in the Royersford and surrounding area who would like to meet for maybe a monthly lunch during the week and who want to connect, share resources, and support each other in both their professional and personal lives.
Please share any restaurant ideas you may have and days of the week that are good for you!
Upcoming events (1)
See all- Let's do lunch!Firefly Cafe, Boyertown, PA
Hello Everyone!
This will be our second event, please join us at The Firefly Cafe in Boyertown.
The Firefly is only open until 1:30 on Fridays, so we need to keep the start time at 12:00.
I'm looking forward to meeting you as I'm hoping that, like me, you may be interested in weekday lunches.
I would give you the lunch menu as I see it now, but the staff just told me that it is best to check it on their website, Facebook, or Instagram the day of your visit as it changes daily.
Here is their Facebook page where you can check them out https://www.facebook.com/fireflycafeboyertown/about
Here is their Website
https://fireflycafeboyertown.com/Thank you!!!