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What we’re about

Let's start with Saint Augustine and the surrounding area: Singles, members who become married couples, some dating couples, i.e. couples temporarily separated by geography. As "geography is destiny," we'll start there. Creative, smart, interesting, lonely - or even not lonely - we're here for conversation and friendship, via a limited drive to a few - unfortunately very few - local Saint Augustine restaurants during happy hour and/or maybe lunch, with a few strangely wonderful local excursions outside the predictable tourist purview. But basically, it's just getting together. The most important reason for forming this group is to create lasting friendships and a sense of community. There are plenty of meet-up groups for people looking for mainstream events in the company of familiar faces. This meetup's a little different in that it has a particular goal which is building friendships. It's really not as much about the activities as it is conversations with depth and humor, creative pursuits when possible, sharing experiences, and - as I continue to stress - building lasting bonds.

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