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What we’re about

The San Mateo Radio Club has served the Amateur Radio community on the San Francisco peninsula since 1946. The club promotes the exchange of knowledge among members at monthly meetings, serves the local community with emergency communication, and helps newcomers get on the air. Meetings cover a wide range of radio related topics such as DX (long distance communication), digital radio, new technologies, equipment reviews, competitions (contests), emergency protocols, remote region expedition communications (DXpeditions), and much more. The club’s goal is to improve its member’s technical and operating capabilities and to foster fellowship.
The San Mateo Radio Club meets the third Friday of the month at 7:15pm on Zoom and at the Congregational Church of San Mateo. Each meeting has a presentation on a topic of interest in amateur radio. There are plenty of opportunities to ask questions and get help with problems. 
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio. The annual dues are $25. 
To become a member, either through the mail with a physical check, or with credit-card online, the process starts out the same on our web form:
Weekly Radio NET
Join us for the San Mateo Radio Club 2-meter Net every Tuesday and Thursday evening at 19:00 PT on the N6ZX repeater:
• Output: 145.370 MHz, Minus offset of 600 KHz
• Tone CTCSS (PL): 107.2 Hz
Our thanks to the Kings Mountain Amateur Radio Club for allowing us to use their repeater for our weekly NET.
More Information
• To receive our monthly email:
• Main web site:
• Twitter:
• ARRL listing: 
• FCC listing:

Upcoming events (4+)

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