What we’re about
“Friends 4 Fun”
The goal of this group is to bring together Conservative Christian WOMEN 50+ who are SINGLE WITH NO CHILDREN (Divorced or Widowed are welcome too!) for fun, friendship and community!
If you have ever felt like you didn't
"fit in" because you are single with no children, if you have ever felt "judged" because you are without a husband, a daughter/son, if you find it hard to find
"friends" who are just like you.... then this group just might fill the void!
This is the place to find other women who are in the same stage of life and might feel "out of place" with their other friends because they have no husband, children or grandchildren to talk about.
We would like this group to be THE place where you feel welcome, a place to build confidence, find a feeling of community, a sense of support and build new friendships for fun and adventures!
We want this group to be a place of positivity for WOMEN who want to feel like they BELONG!
You WILL "fit in" if you are:
1.) A STRAIGHT Biological FEMALE
2.) 50+ years of age
3.) Conservative/Christian
4.) SINGLE (widowed or divorced)
We will decide together by a majority vote on places to meet and places to go, things to do and things to know.
We can be still and creative
or excited and on the go!
Coffee/tea and crochet all day
or walk/hike the stress away.
We can go wine tasting or watch NASCAR racing!
Beach city shopping or discuss techniques in mopping!
Anything goes that will keep us
on our toes.
So step out in stride and join us for this fun ride!!
Looking forward to meeting you!