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What we’re about

Welcome to Santa Barbara County Hikers!

We all benefit from free access to the extensive network of trails throughout our coastal mountains, along the Gaviota coastline, in the Santa Ynez Valley, and across the spectacular Santa Barbara backcountry. The County’s trail system is a community resource at its best when it is maintained and regularly put to use.

Although we do not charge to join our Meetup group, each hike we take reminds us that the community resource we love is also a community responsibility. There are many ways to fulfill that obligation. One way is to join the Santa Barbara County Trails Council: Another is to volunteer for trail projects: [](


Your membership supports our recreational hiking program, trail maintenance program, and the planning and construction of new trails in Santa Barbara County for all users. In addition, you will receive a local hiking trail map pack as a new member.

Thanks for joining Santa Barbara County Hikers, and now join us for a hike for fun, fitness, and the incredible beauty surrounding us!

Happy trails,

Mark Wilkinson
Executive Director
Santa Barbara County Trails Council

PS. Special thanks to Curt Cragg for founding Santa Barbara County Hikers over a decade ago.

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