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What we’re about

We're women who love to read and love to get together to talk about it! We have opinions and we're not afraid to share them! Guess what? We can do that while caring for ourselves and others' freedom so we can all feel safe, seen and heard. We're all about a good laugh, a good cup of java and some California sunshine! We'll be getting together twice a month: first to talk about the book and second to do a random activity just to connect. This club is not only about the pages we read but the relationships we forge with each other because we all need some good girlfriends to chat with sometimes. Book choices will be determined by those who attend so it could span any genres (except no horror please). There will be no rigid rules about finishing the book but it would be more fun if you read some of it. If you feel like this resonates with you then we're looking forward to meeting you!