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What we’re about

Are you a bookworm who loves to indulge in a good read while sipping on a delicious brew? Join our Books & Brews Club for lively discussions, book swaps, and fun meetups at local breweries. We read a variety of fiction genres, including mystery, romance, sci-fi/fantasy, contemporary, and classics. Expand your literary horizons, sample a new brew (or an old favorite), and cultivate community and connection. Cheers!

You can also find the Santa Cruz Books & Brews Club on goodreads!

NOTE ON PLEDGE FUNDRAISING: There is now an option to donate to the cost of upgrading this meetup group, which will allow scheduling more than two events at a time, adding co-organizers and event co-hosts, and giving organizers and hosts an easier way to contact event attendees in case of last-minute changes. Donating is not required to attend events, but if you'd like to contribute you can do so using the Pledge Fundraising link on event pages or the main group page. Thank you!